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Hair in Food

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Hair in Food

Post by MorningGlory » Mon, 18 Jul 2005 9:39 pm

I have been told to look the other way at food courts and hawker centres when it comes to cleanliness. Many a time i have found a weavil, little worm or hair in my food and ive taken it out and continued eating but its getting very irritating to constantly find hair in my food and no its not my own hair! Do these people even care if i complain?

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Post by cinder » Mon, 18 Jul 2005 11:41 pm

eeek! week days i have my lunch at hawker centre - at traditional market no less (since that is the only choice available near office) but thank heaven never found anything that bad.
i might close my eyes to wee little harmless worm - but definitely not to even a single thread of hair! do complain - and if they dont care, at least you can black list the stall and wont make similar mistake.

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Post by elizabeth » Tue, 19 Jul 2005 10:50 am

It happened every where, even you din in a restaurant. As for restaurant they will exchange the item for you.. If you think u dun want to take up the exchange they will not charge you for that item, give you a discount for you bills for some even give a dessertas a compliments.

As for hawker nothing can be done. You can only black list them..For food court i think they can exchance for you.

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Post by samantha » Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:14 pm

oh my... that must be an awful experience... well all i can see is its not too bad... personally i'm fine with hair in my food... sonsidering this story i heard...

once, a food inspector went to a curry stall to test the food and its hygiene level. he ordered a bowl of curry and ate it with a relish. however, he was puzzled by the small little balls he found in the curry.. after finishing everything in the bowl, he went around the stall to inspect it...

than after lifting up the cover of an empty pot sitting in the cover, he turned grren in the face, and rushed out digging his throat with his fingures, making retching noises.

do you know why? there were rat shit at the bottom of the pot. and the small ballls he ate in the curry earlier on was dried up rat shit... the stall owner did not wash the pot before using it to cook the next batch of curry!!

well the stall holder naturally lost his license... and the food inspectorquit his job... this is a true story!!

so a few strands of hair is kinda mild right? haha... :lol:
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Post by elizabeth » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 9:07 am

well all i can see is its not too bad... personally i'm fine with hair in my food...
so a few strands of hair is kinda mild right?

Yes Samantha I do agreed.. Hair is fine with me too.. But my friend had actually saw worm inside her food..

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Post by Alfalfa » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 9:24 am

What if you ate and half way through you saw a cockroach? That was what happened to me... I mean yeah hair is not a problem even ants in drinks is fine but cockroaches.. yuks.....eeeeekkk.

But sometimes I think it is beyond the control of the stall owner if the bugs wants to jump into the food. I am sure they the hawker wants the best for their customers for long term business.

So if these happens just tell them and walk away.. ususally its a great offence for them.. i mean if you complain to the MOE...ministry of environment they will get checked on and maybe even get their licensed revoked.
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Post by stefania » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 10:07 am

On the other hand, Alfalfa, some stall owners aren't too concerned with their hygiene habits. In saving them from getting their licenses revoked, it might prove hazardous. I have heard many cases of people getting food poisoning and diarrhoea after eating at such places and one friend even saw a hawker clean his armpits with the same cloth after his lady worker used to clean the plates! I know it's after cleaning but can you imagine how gross that is? So they're kinda asking for it really.

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Post by Alfalfa » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 10:35 am

yikes thats disguting.. I cannot imagine something like that... :shock:
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Post by Guest » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:49 am

Once, i ordered a bowl of noodles, and i noticed that the hawker was picking his nose. without washing his hands, he started to pick the noodles into the bowl... horrified, i immediately cancelled the order... i can only imagine what will happen if i ate that!! :roll:

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Post by elizabeth » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 11:53 am

Food outside are all dirty.. it is just we did not see them.. my friend who work for a resturant also agreed with..
I even seen one stall sell curry puff.. they used their free hand to make the dough.. when you saw the way their do it you wont even want to buy from them at all..

So hair in food is still very common..

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Post by Alfalfa » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 12:02 pm

Word of advise for all..

Never argue with the food servers in restaurants.. I was once told that if you do that and be fussy with them..

They might just spit on your food before serving it to you.. in worst cases of steak they may even step on them steak before serving it to you.

So be extra careful and be nice cause you never know what they do back in the kitchen unlike the hawker stalls you can watch them right! :shock:
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Post by elizabeth » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 2:00 pm

[quote="Alfalfa"]Word of advise for all..

Never argue with the food servers in restaurants.. I was once told that if you do that and be fussy with them..

They might just spit on your food before serving it to you.. in worst cases of steak they may even step on them steak before serving it to you.

So be extra careful and be nice cause you never know what they do back.

Yes i also ever heard pple mentioned it before..

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Post by Em Eye » Tue, 26 Jul 2005 9:50 pm

I'm with Elizabeth, I always wonder about the staff spitting in my food. I only send something back if it's not what I ordered.

Since I've been in Asia I'm getting use to hair and bugs in my food. Cockroaches are definately not ok.

I'm in Canada at the moment and have watched a sandwich and a hot dog bun being made and the staff member wasn't wearing gloves and I was absolutely horrified! I'll take the hair and bugs but not someone handling my food directly without gloves...the thought of the people not washing their hands is just too much, up there with cockcroaches!!

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Post by cinder » Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:53 am

elizabeth wrote:Food outside are all dirty.. it is just we did not see them.. my friend who work for a resturant also agreed with..
I even seen one stall sell curry puff.. they used their free hand to make the dough.. when you saw the way their do it you wont even want to buy from them at all..
Ask those kids who are working for fast food chains - they did their own 'crimes' too! Dropped patties and buns, dirty hands, overnite sauce.. But think bout that, I am doing something wee bit less dirty but similar things when I cook back home :oops: :lol:

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Post by samantha » Thu, 28 Jul 2005 10:02 am

i think the best advise would be: to eat at home.. it is clean and sanitzed...

and you have the option of cleaning everything with detol!! :lol: :lol:
I'm so stupid that I surprise myself sometimes...

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