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Starhub TV charges for landed house

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Starhub TV charges for landed house

Post by starhubber » Sat, 02 Jul 2005 10:57 pm

How much do you pay for your Starhub charges and subscription for landed house (terrace or semi-detached)?

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Post by teabag » Sat, 02 Jul 2005 11:09 pm

Yes. Anyone?
I lived in a Shophouse and have really bad reception with my already extended antenae plus a booster (or something).
I heard that with landed property/shophouses you are required to pay for the cable they dragged to you house. :shock:

So . . . anyone?



Post by Guest » Sat, 02 Jul 2005 11:20 pm

I do think they elvy a fee for pulling of the wire to a landed house.

However, I am rather confused, I have called them before and they said it is about $2,600 for a 2 year subscription (or $100 a month approx.) So in this instance, I would presume the wiring fee is waived? Kind of confusing though... 8)

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Post by teabag » Sat, 02 Jul 2005 11:29 pm

2,600 $ upfront? :shock:

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Post by yoongf » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:11 am

I just went through the whole wiring exercise.

The old rate of $2K+ FOC 2 yr subscription is no longer available. The rate now is $2058 for provision of lead-in pipe + $380 for signal activation charge + FOC cable readiness certification. This excludes the internal cabling to pull the cable from the junction box to individual rooms, which I believe costs ard $140 per point. Subscription charges vary from $30 to $60 depending on how many premium channels subscribed.

This is for normal houses without any excessively long driveways. I believe long driveway houses are looking at $6K for surface cabling.

Shophouses face a different issue. When the nationwide cabling exercise to pull the cable into the premises was done sometime back, it was for residential premises only. Shophouses were deemed to be commercial properties, thus.. residential rates do not apply and was not carried out then.

This residential- commercial issue dragged on for a long time because Starhub did not lay their own lines, but leased SingTel manholes instead. However, their contractual agreement on the use of manholes did not specify commercial properties. This issue was recently settled, and lately.. I noticed that "SP Telecom" has restarted cabling works again.

"SP Telecom" = Starhub

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Post by teabag » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:53 am


Thank you for the info.
Perhaps I should just move to a wired place. Less of a hassle. (Just why can't things be easy for me lol)



Post by Guest » Tue, 05 Jul 2005 1:04 am


can we assume that it's much more expensive to the old rates? $2000 + $50 (averagely subscription monthly).. that makes up to be $4k over for 2 years?!


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Re: Cabling

Post by yoongf » Tue, 05 Jul 2005 9:55 pm

Anonymous wrote:yoonf,

can we assume that it's much more expensive to the old rates? $2000 + $50 (averagely subscription monthly).. that makes up to be $4k over for 2 years?!

Well.. the subsciption packages are different now.. last time the basic tier of 23 channels was only $34. Difficult to compare with the current value packs. But generally, cabling up then is the most cost effective option.

anon d25


Post by anon d25 » Wed, 06 Jul 2005 3:33 pm

That whole cable problem could be solved if they would just be like almost every other country in the world and have satellites dishes! I believe it's only North Korea, Cuba, and Canada that don't allow competitive satellites.

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Post by joop » Sun, 17 Jul 2005 11:55 am

The current rate for connection for terraces and semi-detached houses are S$2,352, which includes either complimentary cable TV or MaxOnline.

You can choose from:

- 4 Basic groups
- 1 Basic Plus
- 1 Enhance channel
- 1 Asia/ International Channel

For a 2 years instalment plans, it works out to be S$102.90 per month, inclusive of GST.
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Post by moody » Mon, 25 Jul 2005 8:56 pm

Would you consider that expensive?

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