To post a new topic message, goto the respective categories and press the button "New Topic"
To post a new message in a discussion, press the button "Post Reply"
To reply to a specific message, click "Quote" in that message.
To bold a sentence, click the button "B" then type, the rest of the sentence will be bold. To unbold after that sentence, click the button "B*". The rest will be in normal text.
To use Italic text, it is the same as using Bold. Use the buttons "I" and "I*" instead.
Please note that you must click the button BEFORE typing. You cannot insert Bolds and Italic in the middle of text after you have finished typing.
To insert a URL link, click the buttons "URL" then insert the URL and name of the link. You can also type in the URL alone as it will be automatically converted to a hyperlink.
Please note that you must click the button BEFORE typing. You cannot insert links or images in the middle of the text after you have finished typing.
To insert a image goto below click "Browse" then select the file on your PC, it will then be uploaded the imageshack. Thereafter, a nother browser will be opened and it will take you to
Copy the FIRST LINK as seen in the imageshack site then paste the link in the text box in the forum.
Click preview to see whether it is working.
Please DO NOT attach any explicit, pornographic or any image that is deemed undesirable.