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Jetstar asia

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Post by Guest » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 8:29 am

Colleen wrote:Hi Jas, I've got e reply from Jetstar 2, but no detail given.. Once they send us the next mail, shall we meet and go together?? Anyway, Congrats..

Hi Colleen

May I know when you sent your application? I sent my on 13th June, still no reply...

Hi Jas

I also tried SIA before 5 years back, didn't get in, I tried emirates in Apr, only got thru the 1st round with the emirates recruiters... I applied for SIA recently, no reply from them, so I guess no chance...

Anyway, GOOD LUCK to you gals going for the Jetstar interview...


Post by Guest » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 8:50 am

Hi rpammi,

I c.All the best to you. Me also didnt got the chance to go for the interview for SIA. Will try again next time. Did you apply for silkair? As they are also recruiting crew too.[/quote]

Hi goh

Any idea what is the cut off age for silkair?


Post by Colleen » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:19 am

Hi Guest,

Tink if im not wrong, i sent my application in e mid of june.. Have been waiting for SIA & Jetstar, but did not received any reply by SIA, so i tot no hope.. Quite surprising i got the reply from Jetstar.. Do u hav any idea hows e interview like??



Post by Guest » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 10:47 am

Hi Colleen

I have not been to Jetstar's interview before so can't help you on this...

Anyone, with Jetstar's interview experience, pls help Colleen out...


Post by goh » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 12:12 pm

Anonymous wrote:Hi rpammi,

I c.All the best to you. Me also didnt got the chance to go for the interview for SIA. Will try again next time. Did you apply for silkair? As they are also recruiting crew too.
Hi goh

Any idea what is the cut off age for silkair?[/quote]

Hi Guest,

I not sure as if i didnt remember wrongly, is not stated there.SO i guess if you are below 30, go for it.If not will regret leh... :lol:


Post by Guest » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 2:55 pm

goh wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Hi rpammi,

I c.All the best to you. Me also didnt got the chance to go for the interview for SIA. Will try again next time. Did you apply for silkair? As they are also recruiting crew too.
Hi goh

Any idea what is the cut off age for silkair?
Hi Guest,

I not sure as if i didnt remember wrongly, is not stated there.SO i guess if you are below 30, go for it.If not will regret leh... :lol:[/quote]

Hi Goh

Thanks for the info... yeah... sometimes I wished I had applied earlier when I was in my early 20s... :(


Post by Jas » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 7:29 pm

Say hi to everyone here.

Colleen, I'd love to go together with you, I'll email you my cotacts next week, I actually have an eye infection right now that i've to stay away from the computer, so i'll email you once i feel better, Thx.

And thx Goh and Guest, I'm happy that i got their reply too. Well, is good to have a try on Jetstar because they fly to Hong Kong and Taiwan which i prefer jet than Silk air. They use monster is because it's very popular in australia and jestar's from Qantas. Like Esprit, they're using some recruit company to help them in hiring ppl too. I'm not sure how much their pay is but from the information they giving is around 19,000 to 23,000 per annum excluding cpf contribution.

I do tried SIA once in abt 3 yrs ago, didn't get in also, I think i'm not qualified because they all look fantastic and me like a 'Kampong girl'... As for Emirates, I didn't got through the second round and i'll not try it again because i don't think i can live in dubai, they have their own culture. In thier coutry Men're always with power, they don't care abt women at all.This's what i heard from a friend who got some friend work for SIA, they can't go out alone in dubai because if you get molest, that's no way for you to complain. Even the notes that were giving by Emirates state that you can't go out with tight-fitting or reavealing clothes which i think it's unfair.

Anyway, to become a stewardess (especially SIA) is always my dream, i'll try my best to furfill my dream one day(God bless me), all the best to you guys too!

Catcha with you later!


Post by goh » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 9:14 pm

Hi Guest,

Are you in your late 20?Me also.But i still believe go for it as i do not want to regret when i am old.

Hi Jas,

I just sent in my application for Jestar too.Very complicate then SIA or silkair.Did you attach your photo for Jetstar?I couldnt find the attachement for photo in the application.Do you know that ValueAir and Jetstar are discussing to merge matter?Quite worry as if they merge, will that affect our application, as too many cabin crew?

Take care and be well soon so that you are in your top form for your July interview. 8)


Post by Colleen » Sun, 03 Jul 2005 11:15 pm

Hi every1 out ter..

Thx 4 helping out.. Being a flight stewardess is always my dream 2.. I wana fulfill it.. I had tried some other airline b4 but was not successful.. Manage to proceed to 2nd stage for silkair but was not successful thn.. Quite dishearted but i'll keep trying no matter wat.. So Jas, i hope our dream will come true 1 day.. Take care & looking 4ward 4 ur mail..



Post by rpammi » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 7:45 am

:cry: :cry: so should i conclude tht all the interview emails for jetstar are out already ?? oh no !!! how they shortlist also ,,i dunt understand,,did u guys put in a cover ltr ..i dint ....


Post by Guest » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 8:43 am

Hi goh

You are right, I am 29 years old... did you apply for Jetstar? Have you received a reply for an interview? I dun remember monster asking for photo in the Jetstar application... however, I did attach a coverletter and resume...

One question for the rest,

I tried sending an email to Silkair yesterday, however, it was returned to my mailbox, stating quota exceeded... why is this always the case when I submit to SIA and Silkair? Is it bcos my files and attachments too big? Can someone help me?

I really envy the spirit you gals on this forum have! I hope all your flying dreams will be fulfilled!


Post by goh » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 1:27 pm

Anonymous wrote:Hi goh

You are right, I am 29 years old... did you apply for Jetstar? Have you received a reply for an interview? I dun remember monster asking for photo in the Jetstar application... however, I did attach a coverletter and resume...

One question for the rest,

I tried sending an email to Silkair yesterday, however, it was returned to my mailbox, stating quota exceeded... why is this always the case when I submit to SIA and Silkair? Is it bcos my files and attachments too big? Can someone help me?

I really envy the spirit you gals on this forum have! I hope all your flying dreams will be fulfilled!
Hi Guest,

Idnt think they will reply sooo soon as i sent in my application yesterday.I also attach cover letter and resume. Does that mean the interviewer will not get to know how we look to judge whether we are invitated for the interview?

As for your question,is not your files and attachement too big.Is too many people sent in their application at one time so it make the SIA silkair mailbox too full.You try sent out again later.I believe shld get through now.I sent in my application to silkair on mid of june.I presume will be under next batch as right now the girls are doing the final interview.

No choice leh, if i dnt push myself in following up all the application, i dnt think i can fullfill my dream as i already 28.

So,gd luck to all of us!!!!! :lol:


Post by guy » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 1:29 pm

ANi guys rec. the invitations?


Post by rpammi » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 6:01 pm

hey girls.. any1 of u out there who is 28 and applied for Jetstar ? I'm so desperate to get into flying...whatever airlines,,lol.... went to send in my application there again...
did u girls get the news from them via e-mail ?? Anyone of u out there know how they shortlist their candidates????
They dont even need a picture...hhmm so sad,,,anyhow I am still keeping my fingers cross.....


Post by Colleen » Mon, 04 Jul 2005 9:36 pm

Hi rpammi,

I received Jetstar reply via email.. But they only stated in e mail tat im shortlisted, no specific details given. they will send a email to tos who r shortlisted sumtime July.. 4 my case, i did attach a photo so im not 2 sure how they shortlist e candidates, cos i sent my resume in during the previous time but was not shortlisted.. Well, Good Luck to u & tos who r shortlisted..


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