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Difference between furnished and part furnished flat

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Difference between furnished and part furnished flat

Post by jag » Sat, 26 Jun 2004 9:22 pm

Can anybody let me know the definition of part-furnished vs fully-furnished flat. What do you get with a part-furnished flat.?

for example in london with a unfurnished you get by default a fridgefreeze, cooker, oven, hob, washing machine, and sometime the dishwasher and tumble dryer...
Whereas in france you get none. just an empty flat!

Just wondering what the definition are in Singapore and what you get in each case....



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Re: Difference between furnished and part furnished flat

Post by jpatokal » Sun, 27 Jun 2004 2:36 pm

jag wrote: for example in london with a unfurnished you get by default a fridgefreeze, cooker, oven, hob, washing machine, and sometime the dishwasher and tumble dryer...
Whereas in france you get none. just an empty flat!
Singapore is like France in this case: an unfurnished flat means nothing at all, while a partly furnished flat will have a bare minimum of "white goods" (stove, fridge, washing machine) and nothing else.


Re: Difference between furnished and part furnished flat

Post by Sarah » Mon, 28 Jun 2004 5:23 pm

jag wrote:Just wondering what the definition are in Singapore and what you get in each case....
I find that there is no standarization in each case, it's up to owner's intrepretation. I have to check what items available even the two flats are both partially/fully-funished, they're not always the same.


Post by IZY » Wed, 30 Jun 2004 9:50 am


If it says part furnished, and it has nothing, then say you won't take it unless it has what you want. Part furnished generally = white goods & not alot more. But just say, unless they are willing to whack a bed in there or whatever, then you won't take it.

You can rent furniture while you wait to buy your own. Similarly, so can the landlord, so it's not a major complication for him/her (how very pc)

Money wise, the diff per month between part and fully = $500.

That's my experience.

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