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by sene » Sat, 25 Jun 2005 12:13 am
Does anyone know how to get a multi-entry tourist or business visa for Indonesia and how much it costs?
I hold an Australian passport and each time I go across to Indonesia it takes a whole page to paste the visa. My 10 year passport will not last even 2 years at this rate!
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by Newcomer » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 3:04 pm
Your best bet is to have a letter from any Indonesian friend you have or even better if you have Indonesian friends in SIngapore that could come with you to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore to get the mutiple entry.
Just mention in the Embassy you'll be going to Indonesia often. But Multiple entry usually only works if you go to the Indonesian Embassy not by getting the Visa on Arrival. Hope that helps
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by Pinky » Sun, 26 Jun 2005 6:37 pm
sene wrote:Does anyone know how to get a multi-entry tourist or business visa for Indonesia and how much it costs?
I hold an Australian passport and each time I go across to Indonesia it takes a whole page to paste the visa. My 10 year passport will not last even 2 years at this rate!
The visa thing is a real pain and has put me off going to Bali, instead I now travel to Thailand for short getaways. Correct me if I am wrong, but the visa is US$10 for 3 days or US$30 for 30 days, right? How long does it take to process (if done via the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore)?
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by sene » Mon, 27 Jun 2005 4:54 pm
Newcomer wrote:Sene,
Your best bet is to have a letter from any Indonesian friend you have or even better if you have Indonesian friends in SIngapore that could come with you to the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore to get the mutiple entry.
Just mention in the Embassy you'll be going to Indonesia often. But Multiple entry usually only works if you go to the Indonesian Embassy not by getting the Visa on Arrival. Hope that helps
Thanks for the suggestion. I may try to get a letter from one of my friends in Indonesia and try it out at the embassy.
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by flabbergasted » Tue, 05 Jul 2005 12:06 pm
I searched on google but failed to locate indonesian embassy web site.
Does anyone have the url?
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by jhkim » Thu, 07 Jul 2005 1:24 pm
What you should do is don't get the visa on arrival but proceed to the immigration point straight away as soon as you get off the plane. Give the officer your passport with 10 USD inside. Tell him you don't visa. He will give you evil smile and let you go. Your free now. Now do the same when you get out of the Indonesia. Fold 10 USD again.
There you go~ You got in to Indoneisa 10 USD cheaper and saved a page.
All the immigration check point officers are as rooten as much as possible...They will do anything for money. I lost my embarkation card and I was allowed to leave with 15 USD.
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