Singapore Expats

Help filling in form for Social Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs

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Help filling in form for Social Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs

Post by etcmat » Mon, 20 Jun 2005 1:50 am

Hi everyone, I am filling in Form 14 ( to apply for a Social Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs as my company is looking at setting up an office to cover Asian markets, and I need time over there to see if Singapore would be a viable place to do this. However I am having a little difficulty completing the required forms!

I am asked for my correspondence address while in Singapore, but I do not have one! I am applying for this visa from the UK before I go over there. Does this mean I need to travel over to Singapore and get a standard 30 day tourist visa, and then while there apply for my Social Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs visa?

Also about a local sponsor.
I have travel to Singapore many times before for social visits, and I have Singaporean friends, can a friend of mine be my sponsor, or does it have to be a professional or a company based over there?

Thanks for reading this everyone, hope someone can help me.


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