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Moving from U.S. - What to bring? What to leave here?

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Moving from U.S. - What to bring? What to leave here?

Post by buttermaker » Thu, 16 Jun 2005 4:56 am

Sorry if this is a redundant topic for this forum but I couldn't easily find the answers I was looking for, so here goes...

What electronics should/can I bring that will work with the different voltage and/or other techno-issues?

What about U.S. DVD's? Computers and Monitors? All-in-one Printer/Scanner/Fax? iPod? PS2? Camcorder and Dig. Camera? ... and just about everything else that plugs into the wall?

And what about computer games that are not sold in Singapore because of morality issues? (i.e. GTA Vice City, etc.) Will I wind up in the slammer if I try to bring it into the country?

What about my Blackberry 7100t? Is there a mobile provider that will let me keep my phone?

Anything I'm forgetting?

I'm not moving until Oct., but would like to know what I need to load off on ebay.

If I do need to buy new stuff, how do prices for electronics in Singapore compare to U.S. prices?

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Re: Moving from U.S. - What to bring? What to leave here?

Post by Sonus » Thu, 16 Jun 2005 6:28 am

buttermaker wrote: If I do need to buy new stuff, how do prices for electronics in Singapore compare to U.S. prices?
Here are the prices for your reference. The voltage rating over here is 240Vac/50Hz.


Post by SKY1234 » Mon, 20 Jun 2005 10:55 pm


I am from Singapore, currently in US for another 2 more weeks.

Probably I can answer some of your questions:

Most of the electronics stuff are now accepting power range from 100 to 240 VAC, you can check for the input power from the label pasted on your power adaptor.

You may required a travel adaptor for your power point, Singpore is using 3 pin UK standard socket, I suggest that if you plan to stay here for longer period, buy new power cord from Singapore, it wil save you alot of trouble.

DVD games that are for personal use are OK if yo just bring a few, just slip in-between your goods and ship them to your address.

Most of the video products in Singapore are in PAL format, if your video or TV set cannot accept PAL format, sell them away.

Mobile phone, Singapore is currently using GSM, if your phone is Tri-band, then it is OK, just subscribe a new line from the operators here, 3 major provider to choose from, Singatel, M1 and Starhub, I would prefer to get new line, signup a 2 years contract and pay for the new phone which the price is reasonably low.

Other then that, nothing much to worry about, you can get most of the thing you want in Singapore.

Electronics goods in Singapore is not much different from US, some items like TV and DVD player you can find them cheaper in Singapore, DVD movies are cheaper in Singapore as well.

Don't worry so much, e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any other question in mind.

Best of luck,


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