America's fastest growing sport is now officially lacrosse. I picked it up as last year as a freshman at New York University but its growing not only in America but in europe,australia, japan and other countries. I'm thinkin of introducing it to Singapore, probably to my alma mater, SAS, but if anyone else is keen, let me know.
Also, there is the Asia Pacific Lacrosse tournament 2005 in Osaka, Japan, featuring teams from Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and America! In addition to the games there is a conference on developing the sport further in asia. If anyone is interested in LAX and wants a short trip to Japan to boot this summer, defintely go for it!
u can contact me at [email protected]
even if u have any questions on the sport, email me!
check out to see the intense, hard hitting fun of LAX. PS, theres a woman's and men's game.