Bush does indeed suck
Kerry I don't know about
He sucks too you see
"Saddam found!" you brag
But George, where oh where are those
Global warming looms,
You gut the Clean Air Act and
A 'Pioneer' laughs.
You preach abstinence
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Cock sucked by Bechtel.
A Georgie Haiku
Certainly must include war
Sad state of affairs.
Cleaning up Dad’s mess,
A country’s blood on my hands,
Pop another beer.
Ten more soldiers die.
Democracy down your throat.
Pump up my war chest.
The world hates my guts,
Is there doubt my daughters drink?
Thank Jesus for Blair.
I’m mad at Kerry.
He’s got a Viet-nam record,
‘wonder what that’s like?
Clinton liked interns!
This Bush? Not so picky; he'd
like to freak us all.
"Mission Accomplished!"
What mission? Duh - it's big biz
for Halliburton.
World knowledge is vast
But not that of Georgie D.
His would be half-vast.
Bush made no mistakes
Except for maybe that tie
Oh, yeah, and Iraq.
"Have you made mistakes?"
"I can't recall any now."
"Let me remind you."
Don't you get it, fool?
We all wear the blue dress now.
So, grab your ankles.
Created equal.
That's all people, my dear George
not only your friends.
Self-satisfied, smug,
Arrogant, flippant, entitled,
You are a poop.
People are tortured.
Sure, Iraqis welcome us.
We're setting them free?
Wearing my flight suit now
My crotch padded extremely
Mission Accomplished
Who, me, do my job?
That's what I hire other people for.
I'm off to the ranch!
Coffins? What coffins?
War cannot be sanitized
Here lies deadly proof
Cling to the promise
Regime change begins at home
November awaits
Kerry is no prize
But no one else can win it
Too much now to risk
They ask such hard questions!
Help, bitter old rich man,
Your sneer protects me.
I say YOU'RE the asshole
Only pin-heads
Care how "Nukular" is said.
Not me. Jesus told me
The free market is the
Hand of God, so there.
Once upon a time
we had democracy here.
Now, alas, no more.
Bush you stupid freak
You are very dangerous
You scare me badly
Ignorant or smart?
Or does it really matter?
You are laying waste.
Dubya, I free you
From my heart, my mind, my soul,
Let others be your jailer.
Too many people
Lives of the rich are worth more
They need more tax cuts
Speak against the war
You must hate America
I'll call John Ashcroft
Corporations rule
Sucking a dirty oil teet
Long Live Amoco
Proping dictators
He may be an SOB
He's our SOB
Democracy can't afford
The truth anymore
Let's build an Empire