Recommended French/continental restaurants according to French Association (don't look for it on the web, only printed version available)
Armen (crepes)
Au Jardin Les Amis (only dinner) $$$$$ but très romantique!
Au Petit Salut $$$ (very good deal at lunch)
Café les Amis $$ outside
Compass Rose $$$$ lunch buffet is a must
D'après Nous (never tried!)
Fig Leaf $$$
L'Aigle d'Or $$$$ we love it
L'Angélus $$$
La Cascade $$$ (does this still exist???)
La Voix $$$
Les Amis $$$$
Les Bouchons (a bit expensive)
Saint Pierre $$$$ fusion French & Japanese - A must
Salut $$$$
Sebastien (in French: bof!!!)
The French Stall $: best ratio price/quality
Savoir $$$$: good address, reasonable prices on wines