You know the 12 days of Christmas song ay?
Pls make your own version based on the forum, like:
On the first day of Vesak, the Admins gave to me....
a potatoes usage manual

An example is the Christmas one for things in Japan:
On the last day of Christmas my oyaji gave to me
12 bar-code haircuts,
11 kacho griping
10 high-school girls with short mini-skirt screaming "chikan"
9 baachan glancing (is my fly open?)
8 first ever morning tea in tokyo and late night pub crawl in...
7 OL's a-singin' (karaoke)
6 drunks a-swaying
fiiiiiiiiiive goooooooolf swings
4 calling cards,
3 konbini niku-man
2 packs of tissues
and a fresh hot can of coffeeeeeee!!!!!