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To privileged sirs and madams of this forum

Post by *Stefania* » Fri, 13 May 2005 11:44 am

I've been looking around the several sections of this forum and i wonder if threads get classified around here. My meaning, there are misplaced threads that do not belong in a certain section. My concern for raising this is simply because: threads that are in the wrong sections might not get the attention it requires. I believe many posters out there might have an important problem or question and might want quick replies and some posters that might have the answers to these questions/problems might not visit all sections in this forum. Therefore the initial question asked might get zilch replies when there are people that could make a difference and help out. It isn't a major problem but when i look around to old threads or even existing threads, i feel that they shouldnt be where they are, either because the poster didnt know where to put them or they weren't moved to a better forum to get better replies. I ask this purely out of thoughts of making the forum more accessible and better, no bad feelings to any moderators or administrators. Hope someone understands what i'm trying to say.

Posts: 284
Joined: Mon, 09 May 2005 4:25 pm
Location: Perth, WA

Post by stefania » Sat, 14 May 2005 11:35 am

Knew it was a lost cause, ah well. :(


Re: To privileged sirs and madams of this forum

Post by Guest » Sat, 14 May 2005 12:44 pm

*Stefania* wrote:I've been looking around the several sections of this forum and i wonder if threads get classified around here. My meaning, there are misplaced threads that do not belong in a certain section. My concern for raising this is simply because: threads that are in the wrong sections might not get the attention it requires. I believe many posters out there might have an important problem or question and might want quick replies and some posters that might have the answers to these questions/problems might not visit all sections in this forum. Therefore the initial question asked might get zilch replies when there are people that could make a difference and help out. It isn't a major problem but when i look around to old threads or even existing threads, i feel that they shouldnt be where they are, either because the poster didnt know where to put them or they weren't moved to a better forum to get better replies. I ask this purely out of thoughts of making the forum more accessible and better, no bad feelings to any moderators or administrators. Hope someone understands what i'm trying to say.

i know of one solution to this problem. start your own forum:lol:


Re: To privileged sirs and madams of this forum

Post by hooolaaa » Sat, 14 May 2005 12:47 pm

Anonymous wrote:
*Stefania* wrote:I've been looking around the several sections of this forum and i wonder if threads get classified around here. My meaning, there are misplaced threads that do not belong in a certain section. My concern for raising this is simply because: threads that are in the wrong sections might not get the attention it requires. I believe many posters out there might have an important problem or question and might want quick replies and some posters that might have the answers to these questions/problems might not visit all sections in this forum. Therefore the initial question asked might get zilch replies when there are people that could make a difference and help out. It isn't a major problem but when i look around to old threads or even existing threads, i feel that they shouldnt be where they are, either because the poster didnt know where to put them or they weren't moved to a better forum to get better replies. I ask this purely out of thoughts of making the forum more accessible and better, no bad feelings to any moderators or administrators. Hope someone understands what i'm trying to say.

i know of one solution to this problem. start your own forum:lol:
Haha! I agree!! :lol: 8)

Posts: 284
Joined: Mon, 09 May 2005 4:25 pm
Location: Perth, WA

Post by stefania » Sat, 14 May 2005 4:11 pm

I can see how *mature* ppl are around here. I'd rather have no replies than have my suggestion shot down like that. Shan't bother ever again.

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Post by Pal » Sun, 15 May 2005 6:02 am

With the amount of posts everyday, we are simply short-handed.

You may want to assist us by pointing out which thread is in the wrong forum .

Thank you for your feedback :)

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