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Anyone Expats staying in Pebble Bay Condominium?

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Concern Mum

Anyone Expats staying in Pebble Bay Condominium?

Post by Concern Mum » Tue, 10 May 2005 7:42 pm


I like to find out if there are any expats or expat's wife currently staying in Pebble Bay condominium whom I can chat with. If you are out there, can please reply?

Thank you.

Concern Mum

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Post by pevans » Wed, 11 May 2005 8:54 am

I'm an expat Dad living at Pebble Bay, but i'm sure you'll have no trouble meeting Expat mums here...Theres heaps of them and all very friendly..

Enjoy !

Concern Mum

Expat's Mum at Pebble Bay

Post by Concern Mum » Wed, 11 May 2005 10:04 am

Hi Pevan.

Thank you for replying.
Allow me to share my concern with you, the purpose of my efforts to get to know the expat's mum is because I am a Singaporean Chinese and I would like to send my child to a pre-school which most of you will send your child to simply because I want him to learn proper English, especially American English. Knowing Pebble Bay has huge a population of Expats, I therefore think this may be one way I can get in touch with them and gather information about the subject matter: which school to send my child? I don't think I will be allow into Pebble Bay since I don't know anyone there I could visit. Do you know anyone whom I could talk to?


Concern Mum

mum too

Post by mum too » Wed, 11 May 2005 10:59 am

I think you might want to check out some international-based schools then. The expats here generally send their kids to them. If your son is Singaporean, I think there is a clause stating that he is not allowed to attend International School (if your husband is not Singaporean, you can apply to the MoE for an exemption - never heard of anyone being rejected).

If you are both Singaporean, then the best option for you will be Eton House - it's an international-based pre-school and primary school which is open to Singaporeans and expat kids. Tonnes of expat parents send their kids to this school because they like the fact that their kids are going to mix in with local kids too. As a mum staying in Singapore, this appeals to me too - but since my kids are still very young, it's not something I have had to plan yet.

I think Eton House charges around 12,000 per year in school fees, but it depends on the age of your child.

I hope this helps!

Concern mum

Looking for expat's mum staying in Pebble Bay

Post by Concern mum » Wed, 11 May 2005 8:32 pm

Hi Mum Too.

So nice of you to reply and thanks for the info. I have in fact checked Eton House but found that the expat kids there are mostly from Australia, U.K., Japan, Indonesia, etc. Not the U.S., which is my personal preference.

Hope I don't offend you or anyone out there, we are more influenced by the American way of speaking in many ways and I prefer my son to more or less be nurtured in the language. Not to mean that English spoken by other nationalities could not make it. Do you stay in Pebble Bay? I heard that there are many American are putting up there.

Concern mum

mum too

Post by mum too » Thu, 12 May 2005 7:57 am

Nope, not offended!!

I don't live in Pebble Bay, sorry. The only other idea I can think of is maybe try approaching the American School , and asking if they have a playgroup (some of the other International Schools here do, and there are locals attending) or American club and check whether you have to be a member (the British club has a playgroup and you don't have to be a member, so maybe the American club could too?). I imagine the other mums there were would be predominantly American, and could help you out, and you could make some friends along the way :D .

Anyway, good luck with your schooling choice. It can be very stressful - but it sounds like you're doing a great job finding what's best for your child.

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