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Renting with Dog?

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Dog Friendly

Renting with Dog?

Post by Dog Friendly » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 8:58 am


I cuurently live in Australia and have been offered a position in Singapore however, I own a 4kg Pomeranian (toy dog). I would love to accept the position and live in Singapore, however I cannot under any circumstances leave my furry best friend behind. My question is how hard is it to find a place to rent (I am on a budget of approx SGD$1500 per month) that accepts a small dog and where do I look to find such a place??

I have read that Singapore is quite dog friendly in terms of walking them in public and having some dog runs but I am very worried about finding a place to rent.

I would appreciate all you responses and help!
Thank you :D

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Post by DespeRuth » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 10:02 am

Compared to Europe, Singapore isn't dog-friendly at all. Only two places to let your dog run freely (dog-runs) - officially that is. In some condos (very few, that is) they have large grass areas and dogs are allowed to run freely provided that they don't bother anyone. People also do this on the beach (but remember if your dog were to bite a person/small child regardless of circumstances and gravity of bite, he will be put to sleep the following day!).

When it comes to landlords, it shouldn't be very difficult to find one who is ok with a dog.

Good luck!

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Post by Pal » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 10:08 am

I do not forsee any problem for having a toy dog in a condo, provided he is not noisy.

You can read more in an earlier post here:
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Renting with Dog?

Post by Dogfriendly » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 12:05 pm

Thank you DespeRuth and the Administrator for your replies.

I feel more assured that I will be able to locate a condo that will accept both myself and my dog however I am still a little lost as to where I begin to look? Perhaps the Straits Times?

Thank you :D


Post by Monicae » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 12:56 pm

From what I know Dairy Farm Estate is really friendly with dogs. A friend of mine rented an apartment there awhile back and they allowed dogs. infact their dog could run free and often visited the neigbouring dog by himself. U may want to check out that condo. However I'm not so confident the $1500 can cover the rental there. U can try your luck thou. Last I know the rental is about 1.8 - 2K There is also a lady who does dog sitting at Dairy Farm, so it's awfully convenient if you have to go overseas.

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Re: Renting with Dog?

Post by Pal » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 5:26 pm

Dogfriendly wrote:Thank you DespeRuth and the Administrator for your replies.

I feel more assured that I will be able to locate a condo that will accept both myself and my dog however I am still a little lost as to where I begin to look? Perhaps the Straits Times?

Thank you :D
You can search for an condo in this page: ... operty.htm

Or you can call us at 61000 300, we will assist you on your house hunting :)
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Finding condo

Post by Rei » Mon, 07 Jun 2004 5:27 pm

I used to keep pomeranian, too!! :D

I hope your moving to Spore will go smooth with your doggy.
I'm staying in a condo around Farrer Road, Holland Road but any of condo doesn't have any problem to have them. My friend is staying at condo called Spanish Village where I see lots of toy dogs.

I just recently moved my condo so I belive I might able to help ya with current market.

Anyway, welcome to Spore!!


Renting with Dog?

Post by Dogfriendly » Wed, 09 Jun 2004 8:08 am

Thank you everybody for your lovely replies - I am feeling very confident about the move now. First off I am going to try to contact Dairy Farm estate and then I will contact the administrator of this site. Rei I may contact you also.

Thank you all so much for your warm welcome! :lol: :lol:


hi ya

Post by Guest » Wed, 09 Jun 2004 11:37 am

i am renting my place, and have a dog too who is lonely whilst I am at work - that could be another option to rent from someone who already has pets. let me know if you need more info!


Renting with dog.

Post by Bubbles » Mon, 28 Jun 2004 5:31 am

Hope your move with canine friend goes well. And there are many places which don't mind dogs. You do not see dogs out shopping in say, Holland Village with their owners, much!! Or going for nightly walks too often, as you would at home. Also, I have never seen a maid take a doggie for a walk, so where the poor old things are all day is a mystery.

However, I would ask you to consider this. If you intend to work all day, and do not employ a maid and doggie is on his own, please, please make sure he is not barking all day long. I had to move house once as the person in the condo opposite used to leave her balcony door open for her dog to get out for air and the dog barked and barked all day long. It was absolutely dreadful. And in Singapore some areas are so built up that the sound couldn't evaporate, so it was echoing all day. I am a dog lover, and always have been, but in a highly populated area such as Singapore it is essential for good neigbourliness to make sure your doggie is happy and quiet.

I only mention this as you'll soon get the complaints rolling in otherwise, and dogs get homesick and lonely too.


Post by Wanda » Mon, 12 Jul 2004 2:29 pm

Move over with your lovely pet!

The only things you need to do is to tell your housing agent that you have a dog and the rest is up to them to hunt for a apartment for you. It is mainly the landlord who will decide whether he/she is okay with pet.


moving to sg with pooch

Post by jayvee » Sat, 05 Mar 2005 10:40 am

Try East Coast area for condo, example Bayshore is reasonably priced for 2br places and you can walk your little pooch on the beach which is just across the road (take the underpass). Nice gardens and facilities there, lots of expats too. Landlords have final say on allowing pets but I know there are many doggies at Bayshore. Good luck and welcome to Singapore (I'm an aussie with pooch too, I live at Costa Rhu - lots of dogs here)

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