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Moving to singapore / Living expenses

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Moving to singapore / Living expenses

Post by Ash » Thu, 05 May 2005 12:21 pm

Hi Everyone,

I came accross this site and found it very useful for information that one is looking for. I plan to move over to Singapore with my new job. Just wanted to get a confirmation from you all what is the expenditure that I will encure and what I can save. I have a family with 2 kids going to school. My salary is S$5600 with one month bonus salary per annum and S$400 per annum medical allowance. No insure cover.

1. Is this salary good enough salary?
2. Should anything else should have been included?
3. Is annual leave of 14 days and sick leave of 7 days a usual practice in singapore?

4. Will it meet my family expenses in singapore?
5. Cost of housing (moderate 2/3 bedroom appartment)?
6. Cost of schooling (Indian schools)?
7. Cost of transportation?
8. Cost of food & grocery items?
9. Household items including clothing etc.. ?
10. Misc (Phone/entertainment) ?
11. Doctor/hospitalization?

It would be very nice if I could have this information.



Teacher Mum

Post by Guest » Fri, 06 May 2005 8:48 pm

I think you will have a pretty comfortable life on that salary. It depends of course on what kind of lifestyle you are used to... But certainly, I think you will be ok!

The Indian school has one of the more competitive pricing for school fees (Check their website for exact details) but I think it's around 6-7000 per year, per child. The other International Schools are more than double this...

Accomodation will depend entirely on where you live. It is possible to rent a 3 BDR condo for $1500, but then you will have to factor travel time and bus fees for your kids etc.

Is your company organising your medical insurance? It might be a good idea to have your family included in the company policy (even if you have to pay the difference if they're not covered) as it makes things easier to have everyone altogether.

We have two children also and have found that our utilities bills are about 200 SGD per month, food 6-800 per month and travel costs are max. $200. We have a very tight budget though, and make a big effort to live local style and keep costs low. On your budget, it will be impossible to own a car, have a maid and make big savings, but you will definately be able to do some of these things - just not all...

Singapore is a wonderful place for kids and families: we are very happy here. Good luck with your move!


guest Bill B.

your costs

Post by guest Bill B. » Sat, 21 May 2005 5:42 pm

That is not very much, especially if you have two kids. You wouldn't be able to save, or at least not much.


Post by beenhere10years » Sat, 21 May 2005 6:47 pm

Hi Ash,

I think you need to negotiate for a real health insurance policy. $400, in the best circumstances, would just cover the bare minimum of health costs for a family of 4. You don't want to have to make tough decisions when there is an emergency. At the hospital when my kids have needed a few stitiches here and there they always ask: do you want us to page the plastic surgeon? Yes, the plastic surgeon is more money, but the intern in the A&E ward is not the guy you want stitching up your child -- believe me. I've seen it done both ways. Hope this helps.

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