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Wash hair everyday? But I lose more hair

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Wash hair everyday? But I lose more hair

Post by DailyRoutine » Thu, 28 Apr 2005 9:36 am

Do you ladies wash your hair everyday? I used to wash it on alternate days but the recent months of hot weather has resulted me to wash it everyday.

I have long hair and my hairline seems to be receding when I started washing it everyday... Is there an alternative like sprinkling powder (to prevent itch) on it on the day that I do not wash?

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Re: Wash hair everyday? But I lose more hair

Post by bunnydor » Thu, 28 Apr 2005 5:44 pm

[quote="DailyRoutine"]Do you ladies wash your hair everyday? I used to wash it on alternate days but the recent months of hot weather has resulted me to wash it everyday.

I have long hair and my hairline seems to be receding when I started washing it everyday... Is there an alternative like sprinkling powder (to prevent itch) on it on the day that I do not wash?[/quote]

I wash my hair on alternate days but i do not experience massive hairdrops. Is it because u changed the shampoo and it does not suit ur hair or is it because of stress, diet etc? i heard u also need to wash ur comb often cos that will also cause itchiness. Yes i heard there's powder for 'washing' hair, its like dry wash...normally pregnant woman will use that cos some of them cannot wash their hair during that period.

Ind Babe
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Its the WATER!!!

Post by Ind Babe » Fri, 29 Apr 2005 10:04 am

Yes, I had this major problem.....I was losing hair like crazy and didnt know what to do....

If you are new to Singers...well, the water here, as you may know, is treated sewage. :roll: Dont worry though, its super clen to drink, but the heavy chlorine causes a lot of hair fall in women who are not used to it. Ive heard this from loads of women!!
The only solace I have is that it reduces over a few months (as mine did), once your hair gets used to it. Till then, its better not to wash your hair very often.

If you have been in Singapore longer than a year and are facing this, well then, you'll probably know better than me :lol: IMO, then, its best to consult a doc!!!

All the best!
One life - live it!


Post by Junne » Fri, 29 Apr 2005 3:33 pm

Hi DailyRountine,

Yupe, I used the dry powder before on my menstrual period. But it is not user friendly, need to comb few times your hair to distribute well the powder, this might causes hair lost as well.
Well, wanna share with u some points here for prevention:-

1. Smooth/ comb your hair before you wash your hair because this may prevent hair lost when you especially when u apply hair mosturizer. U may notice that after applying the mosturizer.

2. Please do not comb hair when it is wet because wet hair tend drop off as they are weak when wet. Dry it with towel by pressing your hair wrapped with towel. Do not rub your wet hair with towel.

3. Use wide teeth comb to comb your semi-dried hair. Just to separate your hair smoothly.

4. Do not apply to much of hair mosturizer and appy it only at hair end. Make sure your hair is cleaned of hair shampoo before apply mosturizer.

:lol: Hope you hair can have some improvement!

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