Hi guys, I am new to this forum and would like to get advice for my SPR application. I am married to a Malaysian Chinese (SPR) and my wife is currently pregnant for 5 months. My PR application is applied through family scheme and still pending.
PR Application Date: Nov 2022
PR Status: Pending
Sponsor Profile (My Wife):
Nationality: Malaysian
Race: Chinese
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married since Oct 2022
Degree: Bachelor of Commerce (Australia uni, but studied in SG PSB Academy)
Years in SG: 11 Years++
Years of Work Exp: 7 Years++
Salary: 42k + AWS + Variable.
Occupation: Senior Program Administrator
Pass Type: SPR
Applicant Profile (Me):
Nationality: Myanmar
Race: Burmese
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married since Oct 2022
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (UK uni, but studied in SG PSB Academy)
Years in SG: 10 Years++
Years of Work Exp: 7 Years++
Salary: 90k + AWS + Variable.
Occupation: Assistant Manager (Engineering)
Pass Type: EP
Other info: Previous PR application under PTS was rejected in 4 months on Jun 2021. During the point of application, I was on SPASS.
Q1: What is my chance to get SPR approved?
Q2: Once my SPR is approved, we are planning to apply Singapore Citizenship for all 3 of us together as a family. Since my wife has been PR for 3 years, do we still have to wait extra 2 years after my PR approval, to apply for Singapore Citizenship? She will be the main applicant for the SC application.
Q3: Does our child have to get PR first before able to apply for SC as well?
Q4: Shall I inform to ICA that my wife is pregnant to a boy? Will this increase or speed up the approval?
Q5: Will converting my EP to LTVP, decrease the approval rate?