Needed a little help to understand how to handle the issue.
Our ex - landlord, deducted a huge amount from our security deposit without giving us any receipts at the time. As per the TA she was to return the amount in 14 days but she gave us the deducted money after 18 days.
After we voiced our concerns, she got aggressive and told us she will go ahead and charge us more.
- she put the case in SCT blaming us for everything from mold to leakage. She kept changing her amount (adding more to it in every hearing).
Most of these damages are due to the condo being next to the sea and 20 years old. There has been no renovations/painting done in the apartment in all these years and all the neighbours had similar problems
I want to understand from you
- is she in her legal rights to claim more money from us after the stipulated period in the TA
None of these issues, that she is suing us for were mentioned during security deposit returning period, and were only told to us after around 3 or 4 weeks after our leaving and only when we voiced our concerns