Hi I am a Singapore PR of 7 years and have been living in SG for 12 years since university.
Age: 30
Nationality: Indonesian
Race: Chinese
Currently holding Singapore PR since 2016.
Salary: >100k
Marrital Status: Married to 30yo wife with 1 daughter (3 years old)
Recently, a US company in Silicon Valley offered me a job that pays 200k which requires me to relocate to US.
However, I am in the midst of Singapore citizenship application since 28 April 2023 and the status is still pending.
Want to ask your opinion.
Should I accept the job? Does accepting US job will have impact on my citizenship approval? If not, assuming I get approval while I am in the US, then I will have to come back to settle all the documents and oaths, etc?
Note, I applied Singapore citizenship together with my daughter.
Thanks for your insights in advance!
Appreciate it
have a nice day