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PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by Wd40 » Tue, 03 Oct 2023 2:11 pm

I am surprised someone from a culture like the French who value Equality, liberty and Fraternity and coming from Western democratic values wants to get PR here based on exactly the opposite of all those values.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Tue, 03 Oct 2023 2:18 pm

Wd40 wrote:
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 2:11 pm
I am surprised someone from a culture like the French who value Equality, liberty and Fraternity and coming from Western democratic values wants to get PR here based on exactly the opposite of all those values.
Wd, sometimes there are other values that play into it as well (took me 11 years to bite the bullet, but situations change and therefore sometimes we have to re-evaluate our values and adjust our mindsets accordingly (you have been here long enough to know the adjustments in mindset I've made over the past 2 decades on this forum) not counting the 2 decades of input here before it's creation.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by jaymoren » Tue, 03 Oct 2023 4:06 pm

Wd40 wrote:
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 2:11 pm
I am surprised someone from a culture like the French who value Equality, liberty and Fraternity and coming from Western democratic values wants to get PR here based on exactly the opposite of all those values.
I am not sure what you mean, and I hope this will be an acceptable deviation from the current topic, but let me answer your question from the best of my understanding.

In France, the idea of multiculturalism, acceptance of other cultures and religions, living together in harmony, is something that is long forgotten. A majority of French people view France as a white catholic, and if you deviate from that, you're not welcome (to say the least!) people will literally tell you to "go back to your country". There is a particularly tense climate in a lot of areas making everyday life difficult. This is one of the many aspects that is difficult to accept when comparing to Singapore.

Living in France when your spouse isn't white, as hard as it is to admit, opens you up to a world of trouble. From family acceptance issues, to hearing insults on the street (Chinese people have been blamed for Covid... and by Chinese I mean anyone remotely Asian-looking), this country does not feel like home to me. I can't imagine what it would be like if my asian-looking kids had to go to school in France. In my early years, I was bullied for having a foreign-sounding name, even though I am caucasian.

To wrap up other things that come to mind, in a shorter way:
- People there have a general tendency to criticize everyone and everything, ironically this is reflecting in my own attitude in this very post, as I am criticizing my origin country. But I guess I have to answer the question one way or another :mrgreen:
- There is a lot of complexity when running a business there VS. simplicity and convenience in Singapore
- For a lot of people, the lack of exposure to people from other countries, and the fact that they don't travel abroad that much, is inducing a sort of self-centerism. A lot of them think France is the best country in the world - I was brainwashed into thinking so for the longest part of my childhood.

All in all, I strongly adhere to Singapore's vision of society, living together, in harmony with people from other cultures but also in harmony with nature. Having spent half of my life away from my origin country has made realize its flaws.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by jalanjalan » Tue, 03 Oct 2023 4:59 pm

Lots of people really like SG and want to live here. But...

Singapore population rises to record 5.92 million ... ns-3808021

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by nomadinsg » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 8:12 am

Hey OP - for what it's worth in terms of your anecdotal data, I applied as the main applicant (Malaysian Chinese) with a French husband and son after 5 years of living here even though at the time of application my salary was lower, and we got approved after ~13 months.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by NYY1 » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 8:48 am

If your tentacles extend far enough, you will know there are cases of both Chinese as the main applicant and Other as the main applicant (both in a Chinese/Other pair) that have gotten through over the years. However, often one is not privy to all of the details that may have tipped the scales.

Similar to other replies, I also believe the above-mentioned situation will be viewed as one Chinese and three Others, irrespective of who the main applicant is (but I could be wrong). Whether switching the main applicant confers some benefit, I do not know.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by PNGMK » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:08 am

Always use the most appealing race as the main applicant. Salary isn't the highest ranked tick box on the matrix and race trumps everything else first due the desire to maintain Chinese Racial Hegemony in Singapore.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by Pantsgrenadier » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:27 am

PNGMK wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:08 am
Always use the most appealing race as the main applicant. Salary isn't the highest ranked tick box on the matrix and race trumps everything else first due the desire to maintain Chinese Racial Hegemony in Singapore.
I have been wondering for a while, but does “race” refer to the appearance/DNA or the culture? Because I have met some people with chinese ancestry from Myanmar and Phillipines, who looks like chinese but do not practice chinese culture at all.Does ICA take into account of this, or this subset is too small to be anything important?

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by jaymoren » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:28 am

Thank you all very much for contributing to the topic at hand.
As I suspected it doesn't look like there's a simple answer to the question.
But I am starting to wonder if I should attempt our next application under my wife as main applicant, if only for the sake of trying.
nomadinsg wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 8:12 am
Hey OP - for what it's worth in terms of your anecdotal data, I applied as the main applicant (Malaysian Chinese) with a French husband and son after 5 years of living here even though at the time of application my salary was lower, and we got approved after ~13 months.
Thank you for bringing forth another example of such a situation. This goes to show that race could be a more important factor than earnings.
I hope this won't sound too nosy, and I won't resent you if you refuse to answer, but do you believe the salary my wife is earning currently is very different from the one you earned when you applied? I am worried that it's a little low. Additionally, my wife doesn't have a college degree, or at best I believe she has the equivalent of a 'diploma' level in Singapore.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by nomadinsg » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:36 am

jaymoren wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:28 am
Thank you all very much for contributing to the topic at hand.
As I suspected it doesn't look like there's a simple answer to the question.
But I am starting to wonder if I should attempt our next application under my wife as main applicant, if only for the sake of trying.
nomadinsg wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 8:12 am
Hey OP - for what it's worth in terms of your anecdotal data, I applied as the main applicant (Malaysian Chinese) with a French husband and son after 5 years of living here even though at the time of application my salary was lower, and we got approved after ~13 months.
Thank you for bringing forth another example of such a situation. This goes to show that race could be a more important factor than earnings.
I hope this won't sound too nosy, and I won't resent you if you refuse to answer, but do you believe the salary my wife is earning currently is very different from the one you earned when you applied? I am worried that it's a little low. Additionally, my wife doesn't have a college degree, or at best I believe she has the equivalent of a 'diploma' level in Singapore.
It was significantly higher than 3k, and about 40% lower than my husband's.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by jalanjalan » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 1:55 pm

PNGMK wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:08 am
Always use the most appealing race as the main applicant. Salary isn't the highest ranked tick box on the matrix and race trumps everything else first due the desire to maintain Chinese Racial Hegemony in Singapore.
but combined with other variables like family ties, nationality, length of stay, economic and skill factors... it's still super competitive. Just ticking one box isn't enough.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by HPforlife » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 2:03 pm

jaymoren wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:28 am
Thank you for bringing forth another example of such a situation. This goes to show that race could be a more important factor than earnings.
Hi OP. Had you done enough research on this forum, you would know that Malaysian Chinese and China Chinese are evaluated quite differently by the ICA even though both belong to the ‘Chinese’ bucket. So I’d be inclined to think that nomad’s situation is quite unlike yours.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by jaymoren » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 6:15 pm

HPforlife wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 2:03 pm
jaymoren wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 10:28 am
Thank you for bringing forth another example of such a situation. This goes to show that race could be a more important factor than earnings.
Hi OP. Had you done enough research on this forum, you would know that Malaysian Chinese and China Chinese are evaluated quite differently by the ICA even though both belong to the ‘Chinese’ bucket. So I’d be inclined to think that nomad’s situation is quite unlike yours.
I have done quite a lot of research - and not just on these forums. I did not state that nomad's situation is like mine, merely stated that race (or nationality as was implied) was more important than earnings in some cases, since as nomad stated, her husband earned more than her.
Would appreciate it if you could leave the passive-aggressive tone aside :mrgreen: I don't see the harm in having a civil conversation on these subjects. That's what this discussion forum is for unless I'm mistaken. Thanks in advance [-o<

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by hopeislife » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 7:13 pm

jaymoren wrote:
Wed, 04 Oct 2023 6:15 pm
I have done quite a lot of research - and not just on these forums. I did not state that nomad's situation is like mine, merely stated that race (or nationality as was implied) was more important than earnings in some cases, since as nomad stated, her husband earned more than her.
Would appreciate it if you could leave the passive-aggressive tone aside :mrgreen: I don't see the harm in having a civil conversation on these subjects. That's what this discussion forum is for unless I'm mistaken. Thanks in advance [-o<
You feel the above posts seem to be in a passive-aggressive tone? :???: You cant even imagine how much of a passive aggressiveness you would face here if you have identified you as an indian.

Anyway jokes apart, may be the above posts just want to make you realize the reality of the pr application nowadays and not to live in a delusional hope only to be disappointed later. You are encouraged to try and see as you implicated.

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Re: PR through Chinese nationality or highest earner?

Post by MOCHS » Wed, 04 Oct 2023 9:20 pm

You can’t hear tone of voice when you read text on the internet anyway. HPforlife’s post was hardly “passive aggressive” to me.

I knew a PRC Chinese with a PhD who failed to get PR and she applied twice in 4 years. She left for Canada and is on track to get Canadian PR now. So it isn’t true that being of Chinese race will grant you PR any faster.

Like everyone said, many factors are involved. Trying to find someone with a similar profile is just a waste of time. Unless your entire family is an exact carbon copy of an approved PR family, all applications are treated differently.

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