For context, I'm 23 years old, female, currently a year 3 EEE undergrad in NTU, and have been a SPR since 2018 with my first 5 yr REP. I usually travel overseas to China once a year from May to July for school holiday, and to Malaysia a few times a year for short vacations.
Since my REP expires in Oct 2023 so I applied renewal yesterday, and just now I found out that I was only given one year this time... I'm not sure whether it is because for working status i put unemployed, but under remarks I explained that I'm still a student and that't why I'm not working in Singapore now. I'm a bit worried and here are a few questions I wish to get some help with:
1. Is this one year rep a sign that I won't get my rep renewed for next year?
2. Should i appeal for a 5 year rep this time?
3. Is there anything I did wrongly during rep application? like, should I not put working status as unemployed (cuz I'll be doing my internship in Aug)?
I'm very grateful for all thoughts, advice etc. Thanks a lot!