Dear Forum,
I applied for PR in June 2021 and since date I have not received any feedback or any request to submit additional documents.
Profile of my application (applied for whole family)
Age: 42 years Old
Nationality: Hong Kong
Race: India
Wife: 32 years old
Nationality: Russian
Race: Russian
Son 1: 8 years old
Nationality: Russian
race: Russian
Son 2: 5 years old
Nationality: Russian
Race : Russian
Yearly Salary: 160K Me
Wife: 60K
Length of stay during time of application: 1 Year and 3 Months
Current Status: EP, Wife on DP with LOC and Kids on DP
I hold EP in my own company in which me and my wife both are directors
Have my own business of Online Retail and Offline Retail
Provide employment to: 4 Singaporeans and 2 PR
What are my chances and why I have not heard from them in 22 months
I did check with ICA August 2022 but they said still processing and will advice me when they know outcome.