I had some questions regarding PEP's that I am hoping someone who has gone through the process can advise on.
To give you some background, I am currently on gardening leave until mid-May, during which my Employment Pass (EP) is still valid. I applied for the PEP with the hopes of having more flexibility and independence in my job search, as I am actively looking for a new job in Singapore.
However, with the current job market being quite saturated, I anticipate that it may take some time for me to secure a suitable role. Therefore, I would like to ask the following questions:
1. When I receive my In-Principle Approval (IPA) for the PEP (which I hope to receive by the end of this month), can I hold onto it for the next 6 months before activating the PEP? I understand that the PEP only gets activated when the pass is physically issued, and I am hoping to buy myself a bit more time to find a job.
2. I also understand that the annual salary requirements for the PEP are pro-rated based on the date of physical issuance, not the date of the IPA. Can you please confirm if this is indeed the case?