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by dsol » Sun, 05 Feb 2023 6:01 pm
I have had the chance to speak some agents, about 8 in total, as I'm on the apt hunt. It seems they all use SRX as their index for pricing rental. As identified by others above, SRX numbers are in indeed generated from URA, not self reported from agents directly as I was speculating.
While URA may have historically been the benchmark for pricing rentals, the granularity and currency of the SRX data is what is used by agents. Unfortunately for us as tenants, we don't get access to this level of detail and need to rely on "friendly" agents to show us what they see so we can properly gauge the market.
Any conjuring by the URA of privacy concerns re exact unit numbers and reasons for the time lag for the free service are now moot given they sell this exact data to agents in quick time.
While I understand the govt's desire to commercialize the data sitting in URA, it's a shame that this has created information asymmetry for renters seeking to understand markets and to better price and budget for their homes. This unfortunately doesn't help renters and is more acute given the current rental environment. I'll pin URA's decision, to sell their data to SRX, as an unintended consequence for SG renters. The skeptics amongst us may view this as the govt's desired pro business outcome. I'll let you decide.