Dear all,
Hello to all. Were a European family and new to the forum having just arrived in Singapore from HK.
Our company applied for an EP for our main worker which was duly approved. We subsequently learnt that after weeks of delays for the HPB to verify our children's vaccination records that this was done via intra-company transfer route and therefore dependants were no longer eligible to apply on this pass, the rules for dependants having changed recently changed for ICT (the company having used that route without problems for families a few times before).
OK, no problem our advisors told us to apply for the EP route with eligible dependents and in the mean time apply for the 'foreign student pass' so our children can attend the school we are paying for. We applied for the student pass via our new 'international school' whilst our EP application is to be submitted (should be today). This was however REJECTED after 2+ weeks.
We have no reason why this has been rejected and we can't seem to find out why. Our International School has never been rejected and our advisors seem puzzled as to why this was the case.
Just to reiterate, All the family are currenly in Singapore, we have a residence, we have a school place and our main worker has an employment pass at present.
Any help or advise would be great. As you can magine we are at a bit of a loss and were alsWo paying a significant amount in fees