Hi Everyone,
I recently tried to look for laws around person unlawfully being put on surveillance by group of people, and couldn't find much resources around penalties or imprisonment for any such cases in Singapore.
Case in detail:
Person A is working on top secret project from defense perspective. It is forbidden to reveal details as it is highly confidential even to some of the team members. People who are looking to misuse this information tries to hack Person A's personal and work device with help of hijacking home wifi and installing spyware on the phone - at one occasion gaining access to all the communication even being done with family to threaten the person into harming of family and house-owners to make the person vacate multiple premises. Since Person A works alone, they try various methods to psychologically control and deport person A so that they get access to information and use it for monetary gains.
How are chances of Person A reporting the suspects to police and launching a full scale investigation into the matter?