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The Girl

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The Girl

Post by Guest » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 10:55 pm

When I was a child, my brother was confined in a hospital. One day I came to visit him. I slept overnight there because my parents were there watching over my brother. When I was about to sleep, I heard a voice of a woman. I could not understand what she was saying. I was lying on the floor then. I looked up and saw a woman. I could not see her eyes, only her hair and her dress. By the way, she was on the ceiling!!!

When I saw her, I thought that I was just imagining things but when I looked closely, she was there. I was afraid to tell my mother who was beside me. I did not want her to say that I was crazy or something. I waited for somebody to come to the room. The nurses came to check and give medicine to my brother about 15 to 20 minutes later. I was just saying, "Thank you God". When the nurses came in, the girl stopped speaking to me. After a while the girl said something again when the nurses left. I think I waited for about an hour before the nurses came!

I was so scared at that point of time. After the nurses gave medicine to my brother, I told my mother to hug me because I was scared. I slept that night without having nightmares because I prayed a lot before I dozed off. When we left the hospital, I just kept quiet.

A few years later, I told my father about what happened. He asked why didn't I warned him earlier when we were still at the hospital??? Who knows she was going to get my brother???


Do Not Mess With Ouija Board

Post by pee/wee » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 10:59 pm

One night, my dad and his buddies were at our house, just messing around. They were about 17 or so. Well, somebody had the brilliant idea of bringing along an ouija board. At first, it was all in good fun, they were just asking random questions. Then, they asked "its" name. It began rambling off letters for about five minutes, it looked like it had a whole mess of different names inside it. It would have kept going, but they decided to stop it. Then they asked how old it was, and it did the same thing. It just went on, and on with random numbers, and they eventually just stopped that too. Then, they asked, "Could you possess us?" and it pointed to "yes". They asked, "could we help you?" and it pointed to "yes" again. Then, being the idiot he was, my dad jokingly took a crusifix and touched it to the ouija board. The second it touched, Jesus fell off of the crusifix at hands & feet.

After that, my dad got royally freaked out and they decided to burn the board. A big mistake I swear to you. The next day, our house caught fire. My dad had to put it out with his hands seven times!!! Ever since then and mind you, he is in his fourties now, strange things have been happening, and still do. Knives randomly fly off tables, pennies fall out of nowhere, my television constantly gets turned off and on, and there is a pure white cat, it almost looks like a bobcat or a manx, with bright blue eyes that stalks my dad and pounces at him occasionally. Also, I've noticed there is almost always either a black cat or crow in the general area wherever I go. Coincidence? I think not.


Post by Guest » Tue, 05 Apr 2005 11:53 pm

Now I realise why we this section for rubbish, jokes and lesiure :?: Singapore is full of weirdoes :lol:

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