When I was a child, my brother was confined in a hospital. One day I came to visit him. I slept overnight there because my parents were there watching over my brother. When I was about to sleep, I heard a voice of a woman. I could not understand what she was saying. I was lying on the floor then. I looked up and saw a woman. I could not see her eyes, only her hair and her dress. By the way, she was on the ceiling!!!
When I saw her, I thought that I was just imagining things but when I looked closely, she was there. I was afraid to tell my mother who was beside me. I did not want her to say that I was crazy or something. I waited for somebody to come to the room. The nurses came to check and give medicine to my brother about 15 to 20 minutes later. I was just saying, "Thank you God". When the nurses came in, the girl stopped speaking to me. After a while the girl said something again when the nurses left. I think I waited for about an hour before the nurses came!
I was so scared at that point of time. After the nurses gave medicine to my brother, I told my mother to hug me because I was scared. I slept that night without having nightmares because I prayed a lot before I dozed off. When we left the hospital, I just kept quiet.
A few years later, I told my father about what happened. He asked why didn't I warned him earlier when we were still at the hospital??? Who knows she was going to get my brother???