Profession: Software Engineer in SG-based IT company (Temasek firm)
Age: Nearing 30
Race/Nationality: Indian
Pass: EP
Salary: $90k/yr
Education: BTech from India, MTech from NUS
Stay in SG: 3yrs
Marital Status: Single, no family in SG
Income Tax: 2
I have been considering applying for PR for the second time this year in July 2022. The previous application was back in Mar 2021, and unsuccessful in July 2021.
I have another job offer which I accepted with better pay in another Temasek firm, where I will tentatively start around Oct 2022. Salary is $125k/yr
Aware of racial quotas, but I wish to get PR as I desire to settle in SG eventually.
Should I apply with the details of my current employer and send an update to the PR application once I join the new job, or wait to join the new job and apply through the new employer only?
Thanks in advance for your input!