Hi All
I'm nearing the end of a 90 day STVP. I also have an IPA for a PEP for which I have until early October to activate. I would like to extend my STVP by the maximum 89 days allowable so I can delay as late as possible the processing of my PEP.
According to ICA, extensions can be for 30 days or 89 days if you have a Singaporean sponsor. I did a dry run on the ICA online application and what the ICA actually means by sponsor is that you have a family member here who's a citizen or PR. If you click yes to family you get the option of extending by either 30 or 89 days. If you click no, you only get the 30 day option. I don't have family here. There is provision in the online form to add additional remarks where I can explain my circumstances.
Anyone know whether an 89 day extension is possible without family in Singapore? And if I am forced to check the 30 day option, as it's the only option for me, anyone heard of whether ICA takes into consideration the additional remarks to allow for an 89 day extension given the circumstances?