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Husband looking for a teaching job in International Schools

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Husband looking for a teaching job in International Schools

Post by sheilz » Sat, 07 May 2022 3:38 pm

Hi all,
I have received an offer to move to Singapore on EP.

My husband, who will be on DP, is an experienced educator in Australia (10 years classroom teaching experience in primary school and 4 years leadership experience as an Assistant Principal at primary school). He has been applying for many, many International School jobs over the past 2 months but did not receive any response.

I’m quite surprised and sad for him - is it really hard to find a teaching job in International Schools? Or is it more the fact that recruiting period has passed? Will it make any difference, or will it be easier for him to apply and get a job by getting to Singapore first?

He is open to career change, but not sure what can he do that will still make him eligible for EP?

Are there much support available for male “trailing spouse”? Or will it be super tough and should I just forget about the opportunity?

When I was considering the opportunity, people always commented he would be able to find a job at the international schools but so far it’s not true. So keen to hear people’s thoughts, advices, etc… or if anyone has a lead on jobs for him.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Husband looking for a teaching job in International Schools

Post by PNGMK » Sat, 07 May 2022 7:24 pm

Plenty of International School jobs but the problem will be certification and licenses. He won't be able to teach in any American school and there's only one Australian school here. The british ones (GCSE) may be open to an Australia.

They all advertise open positions and the application procedure on their websites. There is a "hiring" season and for the Australian school it's Q3 I think. Not sure about the British schools as they are on a different calendar.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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