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PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

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PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

Post by NekshaanIrani » Sun, 10 Oct 2021 1:57 pm

PR Rejected 2021 - I am sad :((

Indian couple mid thirties, with 6 year old daughter
Been in Singapore for 4 years, both parents working (pharma/ banking) with a household income of 500k+
I applied (wife) with family
My daughter goes to an International School

I was very hopeful that we would get a PR (though logically I know how slim the chances are) - and a bit upset when we got rejected.

Nevertheless, we need to plan our future and our focal point is our daughter (for whom we really wished Singapore could be her home - I think there is no better place in the world for a woman to live!!)

She’s very young, but it’s never too early to plan some things. (Esp. with the lessons that Covid has taught us…)

She will age out of her DP in about 14 years - and we are likely (and hope to) still be working in Singapore at that time. From a visa point of view, if for some reason she wanted to take a gap year/ spend time with her parents here etc. what would her options be? Anything besides a short term tourist visa? I assume a short term visa would be 3 months and she would have to exit the country every 3 months. It’s scary to think about it in Covid times.

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Re: PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

Post by Ignorant1 » Sat, 06 Nov 2021 9:36 am

NekshaanIrani wrote:
Sun, 10 Oct 2021 1:57 pm
PR Rejected 2021 - I am sad :((

Indian couple mid thirties, with 6 year old daughter
Been in Singapore for 4 years, both parents working (pharma/ banking) with a household income of 500k+
I applied (wife) with family
My daughter goes to an International School

I was very hopeful that we would get a PR (though logically I know how slim the chances are) - and a bit upset when we got rejected.

Nevertheless, we need to plan our future and our focal point is our daughter (for whom we really wished Singapore could be her home - I think there is no better place in the world for a woman to live!!)

She’s very young, but it’s never too early to plan some things. (Esp. with the lessons that Covid has taught us…)

She will age out of her DP in about 14 years - and we are likely (and hope to) still be working in Singapore at that time. From a visa point of view, if for some reason she wanted to take a gap year/ spend time with her parents here etc. what would her options be? Anything besides a short term tourist visa? I assume a short term visa would be 3 months and she would have to exit the country every 3 months. It’s scary to think about it in Covid times.
Sorry to hear . There are student passes . Schools / colleges can help you process those.

Also keep trying for Pr . You have few more years where you are considered “young”

Who knows with 2 continuous years of population decline ( and may be third one too ) Singapore maybe rethinking it’s strategy .

Best of luck !

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Re: PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

Post by smoulder » Sat, 06 Nov 2021 1:07 pm

What's the breakdown of the 500 K salary? Is there one dominant partner?

My suggestion is to prepare your plan B while you are still young enough. Another country.

As an all Indian family earning very well, no local connections, daughter studying in an International School, there are too many things going against you. If you are lucky, you might get it but then would you like to rely on luck.

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Re: PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sat, 06 Nov 2021 1:18 pm

I tend to agree with smoulder on this. If you stay here is what will happen........

A short term SVP (Social visit pass) is only 30 to 90 days depending on your nationality. As an Indian National, she would only be allowed a 30 day SVP. She could apply for an extension LTVP but it will probably only be for an additional 30 days at which time she would be required to leave and probably not be allowed to return for a minimum of 6 months.

In years gone by (and I honestly don't remember when it actually changed as it's so rare that somebody asks), it used to be an option for DP holders (only for unmarried girls who also were not working but reached the age of majority - 21 while here). I did a lengthy search just now and I couldn't find anything suitable either via ICA or MOM (it was MOM who used to do it). If she tries exiting and reentry it will not work as they will ban her after the first time (possibly only giving her a 3 to 14 day visa in order to get her affairs in order and to leave the country. You don't want to play-play in that area as you could also find yourself in hot water as well. There is not an easy way, short of Student Visas for schooling in a local tertiary institution. At the age of 21 it would probably mean no gap year visiting SG. She might get lucky to get a total of 60 days the first time and barring no real problems after 6 month possibly pull another 30 + 30 day stay. But please don't take my word for it as I really don't see it happening. It might be worth a call (at least 2x with two different people at MOM) to lay out the situation for them to get a valid opinion. Explain the situation fully and honestly. If it's in their power to do something they will usually work with you. Let us know how it goes.

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Re: PR Rejection 2021 and thinking ahead about my daughters future

Post by PNGMK » Sat, 06 Nov 2021 1:54 pm

Keep applying for PR.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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