Hi All,
My application for Citizenship has been rejected. I would like to know if I should ever consider applying again and if yes when?
Online Submission Aug2018
Document Submission: Feb2019
Application Rejected: July2021
Here is my profile.
Me, Age: 38
Spouse, Age 35
Applied as whole Family of 3 (Indian family in PR status for past 12 years in Singapore)
Job profile: Leadership role in Banking IT(Me) and Shipping(spouse)
Family: Spouse working in Finance & 1 Kids (Boy) studying in public/local school
Annual Income above 250K+
Education: Bachelor (Engg) - Full time from India, Spouse Bachelors (Chartered Accountant) from india
Length of stay in Singapore : 12+ years.
Own apartment in private housing.
I do understand granting of citizenship is based on several factors, if you have any suggestions for any improvements kindly share. Please suggest your inputs.
What could be possible reasons for rejection?
Thank You