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Delta putting a damper on things global

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Myasis Dragon
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Re: Delta putting a damper on things global

Post by Myasis Dragon » Mon, 23 Aug 2021 1:19 am

Lisafuller wrote:
Fri, 30 Jul 2021 12:02 pm
And unfortunately the elderly are not able to separate fact from fraud.
Oddly enough, all of my friends are now older than 65 and every last one of them is vaccinated.

The ones (in the USA anyway) who are unable to separate fact from fraud are the right wing trumpanzees of every age.

30 percent of polled republicans think they are being micro-chipped by the government.

A substantial number think that it will affect your reproductive system.

trump says that since the election was stolen, Biden is lying about the vaccine, and a large number of trump supporters believe him.

It's a democratic attempt to turn America into a socialist-communist (your choice) country.

It alters your immune system.

The vaccine is worse than getting Covid.

The lord will protect you from Covid.

It's sickening... literally.

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Re: Delta putting a damper on things global

Post by Lisafuller » Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:35 pm

BigginHill wrote:
Sat, 31 Jul 2021 1:24 am
Lisafuller wrote:
Fri, 30 Jul 2021 11:54 pm
I am, however, comforted with the idea that 2we have to return to normal at some point- we can’t continue like this for the next decade.
I read an apt analogy recently on the COVID pandemic - COVID is more akin to “War on Drugs” than “War on the Axis Powers.". Like the former, COVID never goes away.

I reckon we'll keep going like this for another 2 years.

After which the vaccinated population will gradually, but surely... >just stop caring<.
Interesting, you make a good point. Just like any other virus, it’ll always be around in some form, just depends on how severe and widespread.

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Re: Delta putting a damper on things global

Post by Lisafuller » Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:37 pm

midlet2013 wrote:
Sat, 31 Jul 2021 3:11 am
I really don’t see anything significantly different the Govt could have done. It seems a trend than 20% people don’t want vaccine no matter where. In India , 10% of healthcare people didn’t go for vaccine.

Also there is no guarantee on the length of efficacy of vaccine. I read a report that within months , antibodies reduce by 50%. Another report suggested taking a third dose of Pfizer.

Who foresaw the strange behaviour of the Deta variant. It seems we r in a worse situation now than before in terms of transmission except that the seriousness of cases is down. Despite that , who wants to get Covid.

It’s not flu. If one person gets flu, the rest of the family don’t get. You don’t have to isolate in community care facility. Life does not get disrupted. Just bcus u don’t go to ICU does not make it an equivalent of FlU.

It’s serious and undesirable. Most of u worried about damper r those who r anyways unlikely to get it due to work life situation. But if U have a chance of getting it, u would prefer lockdown over opening up.
If I could have it my way, I would take a much more hard-line approach. Mandate vaccines, and fine or otherwise punish anyone who refuses. Obviously this is easier said than done, and perhaps I’m being too idealistic, but I don’t think this is a time to worry about political reception. It’s quite literally a matter of life and death.

Posts: 6311
Joined: Sat, 07 Nov 2020 11:45 pm
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Re: Delta putting a damper on things global

Post by Lisafuller » Mon, 23 Aug 2021 12:39 pm

Myasis Dragon wrote:
Mon, 23 Aug 2021 1:19 am
Lisafuller wrote:
Fri, 30 Jul 2021 12:02 pm
And unfortunately the elderly are not able to separate fact from fraud.
Oddly enough, all of my friends are now older than 65 and every last one of them is vaccinated.

The ones (in the USA anyway) who are unable to separate fact from fraud are the right wing trumpanzees of every age.

30 percent of polled republicans think they are being micro-chipped by the government.

A substantial number think that it will affect your reproductive system.

trump says that since the election was stolen, Biden is lying about the vaccine, and a large number of trump supporters believe him.

It's a democratic attempt to turn America into a socialist-communist (your choice) country.

It alters your immune system.

The vaccine is worse than getting Covid.

The lord will protect you from Covid.

It's sickening... literally.
Trumpanzees! Haven’t heard that one before. Unfortunately, a disease more widespread and deadly than COVID is stupidity.

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