Lisafuller wrote: ↑Sat, 12 Jun 2021 9:44 pm
midlet2013 wrote: ↑Fri, 11 Jun 2021 1:45 am
Lisafuller wrote: ↑Thu, 10 Jun 2021 11:50 pm
The healthcare system as well, so affordable, accessible, and high quality.
What WD40 describes is the kinda of life we led in India where my dad was too extreme in spending n savings. It only works if the entire family is in sync. If the wife or kids disagree or feel unhappy, then it leads to misery. Savings is fine but experiences are worth it too.
Our rule is different. We try not to spend more than 25-40% of our income. We have seen a significant rise in our household income in the past 5-7 years so were able to upgrade a lot.
If you read the book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, one of the points is to not deny yourself what u want, instead focus on earning more. Its not always easy but at least one try . Once u reach ur limit, one has to be practical.
so it depends
True, an extremely thrifty lifestyle also makes sense if the entire family is on board, otherwise it will just lead to unhappiness and disagreements.
I am not judging anyone here. Just saying from my experience. I have met indians who claim they have never been to cinema in Sg in 10+ years. While I can appreciate the discipline, it only works if everyone is onboard.
I noticed that in my own family where my father made all choices and never once realised the unhappiness small cuts can lead too. What is hypocritical is that men save only on things where they see a point. And dont mind spending or wasting on stuff that appeals to them.
Often I see, that men decide for the entire family specifically when women are not working. Often, we fail to understand what the other person needs or wants.
I once asked a friend how his wife reacts given he spend 300$ on cigarettes a month. His answer was that his wife does not know his salary. I thought this was happening in my father's generation. But its happening even now particularly when women are not working.
Thats why my only advice to people who want dignity is to earn their own money and be loved