Singapore Expats


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Post by manisha » Thu, 24 Mar 2005 7:13 pm

hello folks,

its a long holiday this weekend with easter around. If anybody has travel plans for this weekend or in future. Its a very disorganised travel agency with a extremely bad customer service and I recently had a harrowing experience. I was scheduled to travel on 23rd March 2005 to Muscat and had booked my ticket by EMIRATES a month earlier. I bought my ticket on 22nd March evening and paid hard cash to buy the ticket. Instead of inssuing physical airline tickets , the manager issued be a so called "eticket" which looks like the itenary that is usually attached to the the ticket casing of an airline ticket. The manager repeatedly told me that what he was giving me was as good as real ticket and I have confirmed reservation. When i checked in at emirates counter on 23rd March 1.00am in the night, the airline staff couldnot trace my reservation. So there i was in a completely flustered state, with money paid for the ticket and yet not allowed to board the plane. When i met the travel agent the next day after a harrowing night, I realised he hadnot sent my updated information to the airline that i had already made the reservation. After a long fight I managed to get a refund of my ticket.

So folks, next time yout travel agent hands u a "eticket" double check with the airline and defintely dont land up with Serangoon.

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Post by jpatokal » Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:50 am

And the agency's name is...? :?:

Lesson of the day: Never buy tickets from a travel agency without a 24-hour hotline. This has saved my sweet rear end a few times.

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