The family members whom I spoke to were locals who had lived in Singapore and in HDBs their whole lives. A few of the older relatives had lived in HDBs since their introduction way back in the 60s.MOCHS wrote: ↑Mon, 12 Apr 2021 7:02 pmIMO, your family didn’t grow up in a HDB and were probably not used to such an environment and I feel the stories will be biased. Asking less than 50 people will skew the POV in a certain direction. A bigger statistic will show otherwise.
That’s what I have to say since your mindset is already fixed. Your opinion is valid but I strongly disagree. Anywhere you go in the world, you’ll need a healthy dose of street smarts and situational awareness anyway.
Letting your kid play unsupervised is something all the parents in my condo do; the children go downstairs to the playground every day and come back in time for dinner. That’s something I wouldn’t be comfortable with in most HDB environments, simply because its not gated and therefore the children are free to leave. The playground in my condo is nestled deep in the compound, anyone trying anything funny would be stopped well before they reached the front gate.MOCHS wrote: ↑Tue, 13 Apr 2021 12:28 pmYour username is rather ambiguous and I assumed you and your family didn’t grow up here.
Letting a kid play unsupervised is... well I’ll keep my comments to myself since that’s the way that works for you and your kid.
Anyway back on topic, it’s strange that OP has not returned to reply?
To me, that sounds like helicopter parenting. I’ve always wanted my daughter to be independent- after all, I won’t be able to be with her forever. Most kids don’t want their parents hovering around them all the time. Hell, I know I didn’t, and neither did my daughter. I would usually go on a run while she was playing at the playground with friends, so while I wouldn’t be next to her, I could check on her and always know she was safe. This wouldn’t be the case if we were living in a HDB block or at a public park.
Yes it is !.....and it did not even stop during the eve of CNY and it's happening even today i.e. 1st day of CNY as I write this message in one particular location in one of my rooms in the house !.....Lisafuller wrote: ↑Sun, 30 Jan 2022 1:02 amSounds really creepy! Have relations with your neighbor remained the same since last year? Would a conversation be an option now?
Yes you are wrong !......and the fact that I am still sane despite all this happening...and still being able to let you know all that is happening... tells me that if any one of you would have been in the same situation as mine, you all would have all ended up as mental wrecks !!.hence please hang on to that might need it ..just in case !!.. LOLemergency234 wrote: ↑Fri, 11 Feb 2022 7:04 pmAs someone has suggested earlier , it's probably a good idea to seek medical input .
These statements are quite telling :
A “bird like” sound made from the neighbor’s unit the moment I move from one part of my house to another, and it is made with almost perfect timing (he has a pet bird also but sometimes the tone and type of the bird-like voices are different depending upon whether the bird is making the noise or otherwise. Sometimes I have noticed a Black Javan Mynah bird flying past by and perch on the potted plants kept by one of the "eavesdropping" neighbor who is directly above us and sometimes the bird like noise is heard but no bird is seen)
the neighbour above knows my exact location and movement within my house. I hear his footsteps above following me wherever I go inside my house.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, when I go to the toilet, I can hear him following me into the toilet too! My niece (who lives with my family) has woken up, on several occasions in the middle of the night, upon hearing vibrating voices above, as if some device were being dragged close to the floor above her bedroom (my niece was guessing that it sounded similar to a phone like device being dragged on the floor
Instead this neighbour appears to be spending time only on monitoring my activities in the house both today and the whole of yesterday !
he is right now just above me after having followed me up to this particular location from the kitchen where I had gone to drink water.
For someone who lacks insight into their condition , a good question to ask might be whether your family members share the same concerns or do they seem to dismiss your concerns outright.
I live in an HDB and can't hear anything going on outside the home apart from dogs barking and infants crying from the opposite block.I can't hear anybody walking around in the apartment.
I would suggest seeing a decent GP first to see if there are any other positive or negative symptoms.It's also a good idea to rule out a physical illness which may sometimes manifest this way.
It might seem confusing especially if you lack insight but mental illness is indeed treatable - do consider contacting an outpatient clinic.
I could be wrong and you just have the strangest neighbour !
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