This was taken from a previous post on this forum. I’ve linked it if you wish to read more. ... -to-ns.htm
The only way a male Singaporean citizen can legally avoid NS is if he
1) has another citizenship before the age of 11
2) informs Mindef of his intention to renounce Singaporean citizenship and applies for the necessary exit permits from the age of 13 and obtains deferment at 18
3) does not use or benefit from Singaporean citizenship after 11
4) finally renounces Singaporean citizenship at 21
1) This is a very important point that is often missed. The child must be a citizen of another country before 11, whether by being born there, or having a parent from that country, or by naturalization before 11. Permanent residence/ green card etc. is not citizenship.
Simply by being a Singaporean citizen with no other citizenship obliges the Singapore Government to provide you protection in a foreign country and to receive you if that country no longer wants you around. Whether you actually seek assistance is a different matter. You are in that country legally only at the request of the Singapore Government to that country’s government, and that is a huge “socio-economic benefit”. Also, a passport is a legal document, not citizenship per se. So even if your passport has expired you’re still a citizen. Not having a valid passport is not a way of saying that you have not benefited. The only way of doing so is to have another citizenship, meaning that you have someone else’s legal protection under international law.
So if the child at 11 has only Singaporean citizenship, there is no legal way out, regardless of any permanent resident status or later acquisition of another citizenship.