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LTVP Questions (2021)

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LTVP Questions (2021)

Post by kiwiinsg » Sat, 02 Jan 2021 3:48 pm


I have 4 questions about LTVP that I was hoping someone could help answer.

I am a 31 year old New Zealand citizen who has been working in Singapore on an EP for 5 years. I married my wife, a Singapore PR, 4 months ago here in Singapore. I am looking to leave my job and start doing a short studying course, thus will apply for an LTVP to be able to stay and study here in Singapore.

1. Is there a minimum salary that my wife must earn for me to be able to get the LTVP through ICA through her? She earns $4,000 per month.

2. If I apply for and receive an LTVP and a PLOC while still working at my job, does my EP straight away get converted to an LTVP and can I continue to work for my company on my LTVP?

3. If I apply for and receive an LTVP, but do not get a PLOC, while still working at my job, can I continue to work for my company on my LTVP in the meantime while my company applies for an LOC for me?

4. The LTVP application through ICA asks for my Disembarkation/Embarkation (D/E) card. Since I'm an EP, I do not have that card as I'm not required to fill out one when I enter Singapore. I assume I just skip that document when applying. Is that correct?

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Re: LTVP Questions (2021)

Post by PNGMK » Fri, 08 Jan 2021 4:45 pm

1. on the limit at 4k but ok
2. cannot continue to work unless the LTVP says you can (but most likely it will)
3. no
4. yes or ask for a blank one at ICA
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