Need to get 5-6 Christmas gifts for friends.. Need some ideas what could get for the guys and ladies between $50-70 per person. Any suggestions appreciated!
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
A good choice is always something practical but fun. Some examples include classy patterned blankets, Yankee candles, or even ties if you’re buying for your male friends. Alternatively, if you’re really unsure of what to get, you can never go wrong with cash or a gift card, its just that it may come off as slightly insincere, since it would have taken significantly less effort than choosing a gift.
Ikea is a good place for cheap candles and scents. Lazada has a 12.12 sale coming up there's a lot of diffusers and candles going on sale soon. Just...
I cannot believe it. We've not had a local troll who's been posting the countdown days till Christmas since Halloween. Very odd. Anyway, 7 days till...