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Thinking of applying for PR again

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Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by ukdesigner » Sun, 01 Nov 2020 8:07 pm

Been a while since I posted on here but just wondered what your thoughts are on applying for PR again. My wife and I applied several years ago but got the usual thanks but no thanks letter but thinking of giving it another whirl. Reasons being, COVID19.

Some backstory. I own a business here and employ 8 locals/PR, 1 foreigner, my wife on DP and myself. Been here, 13 years now. Recently had my entrepass renewed in record time. Usually takes 3+ months but this year was approved in 5 weeks. Record speed, which I'm attributing to less EP applications but mainly due to employing a few locals. My pass application doesn't go through the usual EP route but through a different agency for vetting. Can't remember who off the top of my head.

I'm British, Caucasian, 49, married to a Filipina. No children. Salary, well that's been downgraded due to covid to ensure staff are kept in jobs, but usually well over $130k a year. No real education beyond secondary but have a business here which up until this year has been profitable and growing and all taxes, personal and business paid on time. Business is also GST registered. Not sure if that makes a difference.

What's your thoughts?
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Re: Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by TropicalExpat » Mon, 02 Nov 2020 7:44 am

ukdesigner wrote:
Sun, 01 Nov 2020 8:07 pm
Been a while since I posted on here but just wondered what your thoughts are on applying for PR again. My wife and I applied several years ago but got the usual thanks but no thanks letter but thinking of giving it another whirl. Reasons being, COVID19.

Some backstory. I own a business here and employ 8 locals/PR, 1 foreigner, my wife on DP and myself. Been here, 13 years now. Recently had my entrepass renewed in record time. Usually takes 3+ months but this year was approved in 5 weeks. Record speed, which I'm attributing to less EP applications but mainly due to employing a few locals. My pass application doesn't go through the usual EP route but through a different agency for vetting. Can't remember who off the top of my head.

I'm British, Caucasian, 49, married to a Filipina. No children. Salary, well that's been downgraded due to covid to ensure staff are kept in jobs, but usually well over $130k a year. No real education beyond secondary but have a business here which up until this year has been profitable and growing and all taxes, personal and business paid on time. Business is also GST registered. Not sure if that makes a difference.

What's your thoughts?
Just going by what you've put here, almost zero.

You have think about it in buckets. You are in the Caucasian bucket, which is "others". All the people you are "competing" with for the limited number of PR slots are caucasians. Many of them are high paid execs earning well in excess of your salary, and they run companies which have many many locals employed.

At the same time you are old (no offence). Within 10 years or so you will be hitting retirement age, so you then become a drag on Singapore's finances. I think anyone over the age of 40 will struggle to get PR.

I'm assuming your wife is a real Filipina and not something like a Chinese Filipina. As a result she is also dumped into the others category. Which means, no chance as well. This competes with the likes of you. How old is your wife? Is she of child bearing age? How much does she earn?
These are all missing data points.
If she is also of 40, chances decline dramatically. If she of child bearing age and has produced a kid yet, they might be reticent to grant it to you.
If she is a home maker, then what is she contributing to Singapore?

Remember, it's not just about what you contribute to Singapore? It's how the whole family holistically contributes to Singapore.

Now I've been super negative here, but I'd like to end on a positive note. You know my view on your chances. There is no harm in applying. You will have to pay $120 for the application, which is not a huge amount for your salary. Go ahead. You have to be in it to win it.
If you do choose to apply, I wish you the best of luck!

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Re: Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by lot286 » Mon, 02 Nov 2020 8:12 am

I think you should apply and apply as a family unit.

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Re: Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by PNGMK » Mon, 02 Nov 2020 8:51 am

I suspect you may succeed regardless of TE's points (which I agree with). Covid-19 has brought a deficit of good PR applicants....(I think we are just starting to see the edge of this - remember PR applicants come out of the EP pool which has been shrunk a lot).
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
You've been arrested? Law Society of Singapore can provide referrals.
You want an International School job? School website or
Your rugrat needs a School? Avoid for profit schools
You need Tax advice? Ask a CPA
You ran away without doing NS? Shame on you!

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Re: Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by ukdesigner » Mon, 02 Nov 2020 9:59 am

No problem with the ‘old’ bit. I know I’m on the cusp here. Wife is Fil Chi and is now 40. She earns in the 70k range and is working.

I’ve still got at least another 10 years of working and probably more like 15 before I decide to settle down and retire.

I’m gonna throw my hat in the pool and see what happens. As said, it’s $120 and that’s all I’ve technically got to lose.

Thanks for the honesty though. No point making it all sound peaches and cream when it’s probably not. Will let you know the outcome once done.
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Re: Thinking of applying for PR again

Post by sundaymorningstaple » Mon, 02 Nov 2020 11:59 am

I tend to agree with PNGMK. You are an outlier kind of like myself. The fact that you are a business owner (and I remember the hoops you had to jump through back in the beginning on here and the endless discussions with Strong Eagle), you have a viable business employing a fair number of locals and while you are not producing cannon fodder, you are feeding Singaporeans and that is building the country. For the price of buying a ticket to ride, it's worth climbing on to see how it goes. Good Luck and glad to see you back here again. It's been a while.

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