Hi all,
We are new to SG (<2 months) and don't really know where to turn to for Tenancy Advice. Unlike where we have previously rented (Australia and UK) there are agencies set up to provide free advice to tenancies, however, there doesn't appear to be something similar like that here (if there is, please point me in the right direction).
Our story: We are 2 weeks into our 2 year contract and suddenly got a message from the LL's agent yesterday asking if she could bring people in to view the property the same day as the LL has just listed the property for sale. She is also listing with several other agents (I was told 3-4) and have requested for my number so that she could give them to other agents to co-ordinate viewing with me.
- When we viewed and before signing TA this was NOT known/mentioned and should there have been any hint of this we would have absolutely not rented the property. Is there a minimum specified time before we have to allow people to come in to view the place? I have pushed back citing that it is quite unreasonable to do so this early on in the tenancy given we haven't even finished furnishing the place and us ourselves aren't even fully settled.
Unfortunately, the TA agreement doesn't stipulate a minimum period of tenancy until the LL can sell (and I would understand should their circumstances change etc down the line and they need to sell as we are not unreasonable people) but to list the property right after signing means there were already intentions there without any mention of it. May not be legal, but not a very reasonable thing to do.
- Will we get kicked out (there are no terms in our TA which stipulates anything along the lines of the sale of the property will be subject to this TA).
I have read all of the other threads within this forum relating to this topic but wanted to seek advice on whether:
- We could be forced to move since our TA doesn't explicitly state anything related to sale of the premise should be subject to this TA
- The length of time we have been here/whether we are able to push back.
Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.
Thank you