Hey everyone,
I don't know if this is the right place to post or not but I have seen the great help that this forum provides and thought it was worth a shout!
Very briefly....I was supposed to be traveling to Singapore around this time but due to our good friend COVID it isn't seeming to be a practical option right now. My plan was to come to scope out options in SIngapore for refrigerated food warehousing and transportation and to make contacts with companies in this field who could help me out. I have an idea of a few of the companies I want to connect with but I am concerned that without being in Singapore personally or without being introduced to these companies via a friendly referral, then it might take some time and be difficult to get firm responses and support.
So.....what I am looking for is if anyone has any good connections into the food warehousing (with cold stores) and transportation within Singapore who might be able to help put me in touch with some people. Maybe there are even people out there who are available to consult on these types of things.
If anyone has any ideas / advice then it would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,