I was hoping to get some insight from this forum on my spouse's DP application
We're currently in the US, and I have an offer to join an MNC in their regional APAC office out of Singapore.
I got my EP approval ~ 3 weeks after application, however my spouse's DP is still under review (coming up on 7 weeks now). Here's what we see when on the Status Check page online
We need inputs from other agencies to process this application. In most instances, the outcome will be available in 4 weeks' time. Some cases may take longer.
The offered salary is well above the EP qualification threshold, so I do not think that's the reason for delay.
Given what a s&*^s@#$ 2020 has been, my mind is wandering to the worst case scenarios - have there been cases of EP being approved but DP being denied? Surely MOM would not expect people to move here leaving their families behind, so this is in effect a work pass denial, I'd think
I couldn't find any when I searched this forum (except the case of a new born!)
Is there anything my or my prospective employer can do, follow up etc. to move this ahead and get a response (approval / denial) either way?