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Marrying a foreigner

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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Marrying a foreigner

Post by Skandrake » Mon, 30 Mar 2020 6:47 pm

Hi, planning to marriage with my GF so did alot of research first. I know I need to do something like
Do solemnization / wedding
Get Marriage cert
Apply LVTP

All I know is LLE is valid for 1 year and that's about it. But I want to know if having LLE allows you to stay in Singapore if without a job. Or do you have to come with Social Visit Pass?

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Re: Marrying a foreigner

Post by Sbk » Sun, 05 Apr 2020 11:31 am

Hi, LLE is just a letter of eligibility not a valid pass to remain in Singapore and it is valid for a year which means once you have a successful LLE, you need to get married and apply for the LTVP within a year.
You need a social visit pass to remain in singapore.
So first thing is first.
1. Apply PMLA, if successful then
2. Apply for visit pass, depending on your passport if it allows visa on arrival.
3. Arrive in singapore and get married within a few weeks if possible.
4. Apply LTVP a day after marriage.
5. While waiting for LTVP you can always renew your social visit pass, or go back to your country and wait it out.
If you did apply with a valid PMLA then shouldn't be long as you can get it within 4 to 6 weeks, so you might only be required to renew the SVP once.

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