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Job in the Civil/Environmental Engineering Sector

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Job in the Civil/Environmental Engineering Sector

Post by water-guy » Wed, 15 Jan 2020 12:41 am

Hi all, I have been reading the posts in this forum for the past few days and have a good idea of how hard it is to get a job and an EP, thanks to the detailed answers from a lot of the regulars in this board. I understand that most of the EPs are granted for internal transfers through MNCs and only a few people get an EP approved through direct hire from outside the country. While I saw a few posts that provided information about specific fields, I didn't find many related to Civil/Environmental Engineering, so I wanted to ask that here.

From what i gather from reading online, not all jobs and industries are created equal. While a couple of posts here said that there was no demand for foreign workers in the civil/construction industry, I read elsewhere that the construction industry faced shortage of qualified engineers and is listed as a strategic skill in the In-Demand list. I found a lot of articles discussing that the locals don't prefer to go into these fields. So, I want to know more if there is demand for the Civil/Environmental field. Particularly, I am looking for Project Management roles in the water and wastewater treatment industry. I am currently a project manager and have 10 year's experience working in the US in water/wastewater treatment design, project management, program management and master planning, with a Bachelor's in Engineering from a good university in India and a Master's from Texas A&M University, College Station. My main questions are:
1. Is there a difference in EP acceptance % in this field?
2. How easy or hard is it in general to find a job in this field. What is the market demand? Currently, the demand is really good in the US.
3. My wife's company in healthcare is ready to transfer her to Singapore and apply for an EP. Assuming that i get a DP through her, would it be easier to get a job in this field with a DP compared to other companies?

Thanks a lot for any useful information regarding this!

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