Hi friends, I am new to this forum and looking for inputs regarding cancellation of my EP IPA.
My situation: I am not based in Singapore and working for Company A. I got an offer and subsequently received EP IPA from Company B. But, when I asked for resignation from Company A, they provided a counter offer and created a role for me in Singapore. I have been working with Company A for last 5 years and happy with the team and the new role being offered in Singapore. So, now, I do not want to proceed with the EP IPA offered by Company B (& want them to cancel my IPA Letter). I have not joined Company B yet, and still outside Singapore but need to act fast to make a decision.
How should I handle the situation now? Can Company B provide negative feedback to MoM regarding my candidature, which may risk my chances of getting a fresh IPA from Company A? Is it mandatory to explain the counter offer situation to Company B, or it can be under the pretext of Personal reasons? What are the repercussions if Company B does not agree to cancel my EP IPA?