How so, lisa A? Think about it. Suppose the NS man was a total screwup during NS, AWOL, Late, troublemaker, fights, drunkenness, etc, etc. If he is like that as a PR why in hell would the government want to give him Citizenship so that they can feed him and house him as a civilian in jail, etc. Not all NS boys are momma's boys. Some are wannabe gangsters. Therefore the government rightly rescinded the automatic right to SGC. Granted, having done NS is a good step towards SGC but it is NOT a right or "entitlement" (in today's strawberry-speak).
Can't speak for anybody else, but I, personally, went 15 months without an REP. And no, I didn't leave Singapore during that period. They can. I don't know of anybody who lost their PR due to the lack of an REP, but that is probably because they are no longer in Singapore??? If your REP expired while overseas, if there was a consulate nearby and you don't partake of it's services, when you come back in, they will usually levy a fine on you the first time (if I remember correctly, it used to be $100). But do it again, they may give you a SVP to allow you to clear out or maybe give you a 1 year REP to see if you abuse it again. If you leave the country without a valid REP, your action is, in fact, telling ICA you are voluntarily giving up your PR.malcontent wrote: ↑Sun, 01 Nov 2020 10:25 amI’ve always heard that you can retain PR even without a REP as long as you don’t leave Singapore... but has there been any actual cases? What happened in those cases?
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