Is this dangerous to share our photos and videos on the apps for permission?
I always have this insecure feeling they steal your data?
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I’d be cautious. Experience shows you can’t always be sure your data is securely stored. Your information might even be saved on servers in countries...
Anyone used a dating app and found success in love? I am looking to try but a little skeptical to scammers. Any tips to share on sussing out creeps...
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We usually advise against replying to people posting on Singapore forums when posting from Indian ISPs. Usually pretty good sign that they are either...
Just tried this app by local company Motorist, notifies me whenever there's a speed camera nearby. Thought I'll share it with y'all ... -singapore
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Right here Retard. Can't wait for you to be the first charged. Providing evidence of hidden police camera or speed traps is CLASSIC perversion of the...