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by PNGMK » Mon, 30 Sep 2019 9:01 am
It is certainly possible to do a "private" adoption in Singapore if Sheila's baby (or the baby she maybe an agent for) is not in the MSF department's system. If the child is Singapore by birth the local family court, a lawyer and a couple of home visits will be needed. There is little regulation of adoption agent so what Sheila is doing is legal provided any fees charged are not excessive and cover legitimate itemized expenses (inc maternity leave).
Just an important note for any foreigners though - your local consulate must be able to provide a letter stating that the child (once adopted) can return home with you and has a right to a visa to do so. I believe that the UK (c/o Hanniroo) and the US no longer provide these letters. Australia did until recently - I haven't checked for a few years. This is a Singapore family court requirement that came in after some foreigners adopted a child (decades ago) and abandoned said child in Singapore after they found out they could not bring the child home FFS. Also if the child is already in the MSF system no foreigner can ~easily~ adopt that child (I know of one exception from church) - that child is basically reserved for locals. Also obviously gay couples and single men are going to face restrictions of varioud kinds.
I not lawyer/teacher/CPA.
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